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scríobh1, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of scríobh2. 2. (Hand)writing. ~ a theagasc do dhuine, to teach s.o. to write. Is deas an ~ atá aige, he writes a nice hand. S.a. léamh 2(b).
scríobh2, v.t. & i. (pp. -ofa). Write. 1. ~ le peann, le dúch, to write with a pen, in ink. ~ ar pháipéar, ar chlár dubh, to write on paper, on a blackboard. ~ go cúramach, go glan, to write carefully, clearly. Rud a ~ síos, to write sth. down. Ceithre leathanach a ~, to write four pages. D’ainm a ~, to write one’s name. ~ isteach an focal eile seo, write in this other word. ~ amach é, write it out, in full. 2. Fill in. Seic, iarratas, teastas, a ~, to write a cheque, an application, a certificate. 3. Compose. Litir a ~ (chuig duine), to write a letter (to s.o.). Bíonn siad ag ~ chun a chéile, they correspond. Aiste, alt, leabhar, a ~ (ar rud), to write an essay, an article, a book (about sth.). Stair, filíocht, a ~, to write history, poetry. Ag ~ do na páipéir, writing for the papers.
An rud atá sé a scríobh, what he is writing.
~ a scríobh do pháipéar, to write an article for a paper.
Scríobh, obair, ~, careless writing, work.
Labhair, scríobh, trácht, ar, speak, write, about; mention.
~ duine a scríobh, to write a life of s.o.
Tá agam le litir a scríobh, I have to write a letter.
~ a thabhairt, a léamh, a scríobh, a mhúineadh, a fhoghlaim, to give, read, write, teach, learn, a lesson.
~ scríofa, written agreement.
Ná ~ scríobh chuige, don’t forget to write to him.
An rud a scríobh sé ~, what he wrote himself.
Scríobh ar an ~ é, write it on the margin.
Níl léamh ná scríobh ná ~ béil air, it defies all description.
Is ~ nár scríobh sé chugainn, it is strange that he didn’t write to us.
Níl ~ ná scríobh aige, he can neither read nor write.
Níl ~ sna leabhair air; níl ~ ná scríobh (ná insint béil) air, it passes comprehension, defies description.
Cúpla ~ a scríobh, a chur, chuig duine, to drop s.o. a line.
~ a scríobh, to write a letter.
~í a scríobh, a bhreacadh, to write, jot down, notes.
Scríobh, cuir, ~ beag chuige, write, send, him a short note.
~ béil, scríofa, faoi shéala, verbal, written, sealed, order.
An ~ scríofa, an ~ litreach, the written law.
~ mheabhrach, scríofa, mental, written, computation.
Scríobh síos an ~, write down the number.
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