iontach, a1. Wonderful; surprising, strange. 1. Is ~ liom (go), I am surprised (that). Is ~ nár scríobh sé chugainn, it is strange that he didn’t write to us. Más ~ le rá é, strange to say. Is é an chuid is iontaí den scéal (go), the strange thing about it is (that). Is iomaí rud ab iontaí (ná é), stranger things could happen. Níorbh iontaí liom an sneachta dearg ná é, nothing would surprise me more. Bhí an áit ~ aige, he felt strange in the place. Tá an obair ~ aige go fóill, the work is strange to him yet. D’fhéach sé go h~ orm, he looked at me in wonderment. Iron: Is ~ a tháinig tú, it is surprising you came; you were in no hurry to come. Is ~ a rinne tú sin! What else should you do? S.a. annamh. 2. D’éirigh go h~ leis, it was a wonderful success. 3. (Intensifying, with a.) Tá sé ~ te, it is extremely hot. Bhí siad ~ maith, they were wonderfully good. Daoine ~ deas iad, they are very nice people. Tá sé ~ doiligh a dhéanamh, it is very hard to do.
Is iontach an ~ a tháinig dó, he took such a peculiar notion.
An rud is ~ is iontach, what’s seldom is wonderful; anything unusual draws attention.
Is iontach an ’~ chugam’ é, he is forever on the forage.
Is iontach go ~ (go, nach), it is remarkably strange (that).
Tá sé iontach ar ~, it is wonderful indeed.
Is iontaí fírinne ná ~, truth is stranger than fiction.
Is iontach an ~ atá faoi, (i) he, it, runs very freely, (ii) he is very free-spoken, vivacious.
Níorbh iontaí liom an ~ dearg ná é, nothing would surprise me more.
Nach iontach an rud a tharraing sé as mo chuid cainte? What a strange inference he drew from my speech!