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Similar words: gab · giob · go · gobú · goby
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gob1, m. (gs. goib, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Beak, bill. (a) ~ éin, bird’s beak. Idir ghob, chleite is sciathán, lock, stock and barrel. S.a. sciathán1 1. (b) (Of mouth) ~ a chur ort féin, to protrude one’s lips, to pout, to put on a severe expression. Tá ~ géar, nimhneach, uirthi, she has a sharp, a severe, expression (about the mouth). Chuir sé a ghob sa chomhrá, he intruded himself into the conversation. Bíonn a ghob sáite i ngach aon rud aige, he has to intervene in everything. Fig: ~ naoscaí, over-inquisitive person. Bhí a anáil i mbarr a ghoib (leis), he was out of breath, panting. Tá sé ar bharr a ghoib aige, he has it on the tip of his tongue. ~ i gcac, sordid person. S.a. 11. 2. Tip, point; projection. ~ scine, carraige, tip of knife, of rock. ~ pinn, point of pen; nib. ~ boinéid, poke (of bonnet). ~ báid, nose, prow, of boat. ~ crúiscín, pouring lip of jug. ~ teanchaire, claw of pincers. ~ gainimh, spit of sand. Ar ghob na hoitreach, on the tip of the sandbank. ~ rinne, tip of promontory. Ar ghob na cé, at the extreme end of the quay. I n~ na huaire, just on the hour. Ar ghob an dorais, just at the door. Tá sé ar ghob an daichid, he is going on forty. Tá siad ~ ar ghob, ~ le ~, they are neck and neck. 3. ~ féir, grass shoot. 4. Orn: ~ adhairce, hornbill, ~ siosúir, (i) scissor-bill. (ii) beak-nosed person.
gob2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Peck (ar, at). 2. (a) Project. Ag ~adh amach, aníos, sticking out, up. Tá sé ag ~adh amach as an mballa, it is projecting from the wall. Bhí an ghrian ag ~adh aníos, the sun was peeping up. (b) Geol: Crop (aníos, amach, up, out). 3. (Of plants) Spring, shoot, sprout. An féar, an coirce, ag ~adh aníos, the grass, the oats, breaking the surface of the ground. Plandaí ag ~adh amach, plants sending forth shoots. Bleibeanna ag ~adh, bulbs spearing. 4. Cover, dibble (seed). Ag ~adh sceallán, dibbling (potato) sets.
Tá a ~ i mbarr a ghoib, i mbéal a chléibh, ina dhorn, aige, leis, he is panting (from exertion).
Bhí a anáil i m~ a ghoib leis, he was all out of breath.
~ taobh amuigh de ghob, insincere speech.
Chomh ~ is atá tú beo, grian ar an aer, méara ort, cluas ar do leiceann, gob ar phréachán, púdar i nDoire, an Cháisc ar an Domhnach! As sure as anything!
Croí folláin agus gob ~! May you have a sound heart and a wet beak!
Ní faide gob na ~ ná gob an ghandail, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
~ carraige, protrusion of rock.
~ féir, springing of grass.
5. Gob an phocáin, poke (of bonnet).
Tá gob an phocáin ar a caipín aici, she is fond of gallivanting.
Níor thóg sí gob ná ~ díobh, she never let them out from under her wing.
Ag gobadh aníos ~d an talamh, breaking the surface of the ground.
Dún do chab! Shut your gob!
Dún do chlab! Shut your gob!
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