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sciathán1, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). 1. Wing. ~ éin, bird’s wing. Bhí a sciatháin síos leis, (of bird) it was winged, (of person) he was very dejected. Fig: Bhí sciatháin air ag imeacht, he was in a great hurry, all eagerness, to be off. Tháinig sciatháin ar mo chroí, my heart took wing, I was elated. Níor thóg sí gob ná ~ díobh, she never let them out from under her wing. Faoi ~, surreptitiously; under pretence of. 2. Side, extension; part, piece. ~ foirgnimh, wing of building. ~ airm, wing of army. Shílfeá gurbh é parthas nó ~ de é, it was like an extension of paradise. ~ tobac, bit (from plug) of tobacco. 3. Arm. ~ duine, person’s arm. Greim sciatháin, arm-hold. Coinnigh fad do sciatháin uait iad, keep them at arm’s length. 4. (a)Orn: ~ céarach, waxwing. (b) Z: ~ leathair, bat.
sciathán2, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). Wicker-work lid or panel. ~ feadhnaigh, removable bottom of pannier(-basket).
Sciathán a bhearradh, to clip a wing.
Sciatháin a bhualadh, to flap wings.
An ~ is fearr ina sciathán, his mainstay.
Rugadh air idir chorp chleite is sciathán, he was seized bodily.
Idir chorp (is) cheirt; idir chorp is chleití; idir chorp chleite is sciathán, bodily, entirely.
~ sciathán, wing-case.
Níor thit ~ as a sciatháin, he did not lose a feather.
Chomh ~ le mo lámh, le mo sciathán, as long as my arm.
Le ~ dá sciathán, with a stroke of its wing.
Idir ghob, chleite is sciathán, lock, stock and barrel.
Ag ~adh a sciathán, beating their wings.
~ sciathán, wing-stretch.
~ sciatháin, wing-flap.
2. ~ sciathán, span of wings; reach of arms.
~ siad a sciatháin, they spread their wings.
~ sciathán, spreading of wings.
~ sciathán, spread of wings.
3. Sciatháin a spré, to spread wings.
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