spré1, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna). 1. Cattle; property, wealth. ~ chnoic, wealth in cattle and sheep. 2. (a) Dowry. Bean a phósadh ar a ~, to marry a woman for her dowry. Tá a ~ i gclár a héadain, her face is her fortune. (b) Lit: Fee, reward.
spré2, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~acha). Spark. 1. ~ thine, spark of fire; ember; small fire. ~ choigilte, raked ember. 2. ~ bheatha, chéille, chreidimh, spark of life, of sense, of faith. Níl ~ amhairc aige, he hasn’t a glimmer of sight.
spré3, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of spréigh. 2. Spread. ~ sciathán, spread of wings. ~ sciorta, flare of skirt. ~ solais, dispersion of light. ~ fuinneoige, splay of window. ~ air! Confound him! S.a. soc 1(b).
~ imtharraingthe, méadaithe, scaipthe, spréite, taifigh, attractive, magnifying, scattering, dispersive, resolving, power.
Tá a spré i gclár a héadain, her face is her fortune.
Spré mhíolach, cattle dowry.
Ná ~ bean mar gheall ar spré, do not covet a woman for her dowry.
~ spréite, perforated nozzle, rose.
1. Éadach a spré ar rud, to spread a cloth over sth.
Seol a spré, to spread a sail.
2. Móin a spré, to spread turf.
Tá an tuile ag spré, the flood is spreading.
Tá an peann seo ag spré an dúigh, this pen is spattering the ink.
3. Sciatháin a spré, to spread wings.
Tá a ghuaillí ag spré, he is getting broad in the shoulders.
Tá sé ag spré ar an saol, he is getting extremely fat.
Spréite sa leaba, sprawled on the bed.
4. Scéala a spré, to spread news.
Tá an aicíd ag spré, the disease is spreading.
5. Solas a spré, to disperse light.
Imlíne spréite, blurred outline.
6. Doras, fuinneog, a spré, to splay a door, a window.
Sciorta spréite, flared skirt.
7. Rós spréite, full-blown rose.
Prátaí spréite, potatoes bursting their jackets.
Ní chuirim ~ i maoin ná i spré, I lay no store by wealth or dowry.