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éadan, m. (gs. & npl. -ain, gpl. ~).1. Front, face. (a)~ duine, a person’s (full) face, forehead. ~ ainmhí, front, face, of animal. Clár (an) éadain, forehead. Cnámh (an) éadain, frontal bone. ~ dána, bold face, effrontery. Bhí sé d’~ air labhairt liom, he had the effrontery to speak to me. Is dána an t-~ atá air! The cheek of him! Ní bheadh sé d’~ orm, I wouldn’t have the audacity. Dúirt mé lena ~ é, I said it to his face. Tá sé i gclár a éadain, he has the very look of it. Tá a spré i gclár a héadain, her face is her fortune. Bhí ~ air chomh fada le bliain, he wore a very long face, had an extremely dismal expression on his face. (b)~ cnoic, carraige, front, face, of hill, of rock. ~ altóra, front of altar. ~ boinn, face of coin. (c)~ cloig, dial of clock. 2. Flat surface; facet, table (of gem). ~ criostail, table of crystal. ~ a ghearradh ar sheoid, to cut a facet on a gem. 3. End (as opposed to side). ~ bairille, druma, sorcóra, barrel-, drum-, cylinder-, head. ~ boird, head, end, of table. Dabhach gan ~, bottomless vat. Dhá ~ an halla, the two ends of the hall. ~ na haltóra den eaglais, the altar end of the church. Fad an tí ó ~ go h~, the length of the house from one end-wall to the other. 4. (a)In ~, against, opposed to. In ~ an chnoic, against the hill, uphill. In ~ an tsrutha, na gaoithe, against the current, the wind. In ~ an bhalla, against the wall. In ~ a thola, against his will. Tháinig sé chugam in ~ a chos, he came to me with reluctant step. Dul in ~ duine, ruda, to go against, oppose, s.o., sth. Tá siad in ~ a chéile, they are opposed to each other. Tá rud éigin inár n-~ aige, he holds something against us. Cur in ~ duine, ruda, to contradict, object to, s.o., sth. Bualadh in ~ ruda, to strike, knock oneself, against sth. (b)In ~, engaged in. Dul in ~ do chuid oibre, to go about one’s work. Tá sé in ~ a ghnóthaí, he is attending to his business. Chuaigh siad in ~ na cruaiche, they set to work on the stack. Táimid in ~ an iomaire deiridh, we have made a start on the last ridge. (c)In ~ na bliana, yearly. 5. As ~, (i) one by one, (ii) in (rapid) succession, indiscriminately, (iii) all together. Tóg as ~ a chéile, ceann as ~, iad, take them one by one (from the beginning), as they come. Bhí siad ag titim as ~ a chéile, they were falling one after another (in rapid succession). Maraíodh iad as ~, they were all killed. Daoradh as ~ a chéile iad, they were condemned indiscriminately. S.a. bualadh 2.
Nuair a théann ~ go hursain is mian leis dul go gabhal éadain, put a beggar on horseback and he will ride to the devil.
~ don urla ~ don éadan, hurried toilet, a lick and a promise.
Chuir, bhuail, sé ~ ar a éadan, he gave his face a quick wash, a lick and a promise.
~ éadain a thabhairt do rudaí, to take things in their order.
Thug sé ~ éadain do na tithe, he visited each house in succession.
Éadan ~, receding forehead.
~ éadain, forehead.
~ a chur i d’éadan, i do mhala, to scowl.
In éadan do chos, with unwilling step, unwillingly.
~ a chur in éadan ruda, to prohibit, declare an impediment to, sth.
~ Dé ina éadan, God forbid it.
Chruthaigh deora allais ar chlár a éadain, beads of sweat formed on his forehead.
8. Cur in aghaidh, i gcoinne, in éadan, ruda, to oppose sth.
Ba cheart ~ a chur sa mhaide mullaigh, sa ghabhal éadain, the great event should be suitably marked.
(in aghaidh, i gcoinne, in éadan, against).
Fáirbrí i gclár éadain, wrinkles in forehead.
~ éadain, (space under) end-rafters of hip-roofed house.
Teach gabhail éadain, hip-roofed house.
Chuir sé ~ ina éadan, he puckered up his face, frowned.
Ná cuir ~ i do mhala, i d’éadan, leis, don’t frown at it; don’t look so sulky about it.
I mo leith nó i m’éadan, for or against me.
~ éadain, front-view.
Éadan ~, radiant brow.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ éadain ort, it would give you the creeps, horrify you.
In éadan na ~, against the hill, uphill.
In éadan an mhórtais, against the swelling flood.
~ éadain, face-ache.
~ chéadfach, éadain, éisteachta, luaile, mheánach, radhairc, sensory, facial, auditory, motor, median, visual, nerve.
Dul in éadan na b~, to enter the firing-line, to go into battle.
Roic in éadan, wrinkles in forehead.
~aimis go daingean ina n-éadan, let us stand firmly against them.
Tá an t~ i gclár a éadain, his pleasant nature shows in his face.
Ag ~t in éadan na gaoithe, battling against the wind.
An bhfuil tú ar mo thaobh nó i m’éadan? Are you with me or against me?
Teanntaíodh in éadan an bhalla iad, they were hemmed against the wall.
Tá ~ ina éadan, his brow is hot.
Éadan ~, fevered brow.
In éadan a thola a rinne sé é, he did it against his will.
Baineadh ~ asam in éadan an bhalla, I was thrown heavily against the wall.
~ éadain, forehead.
~ (éadain), (face) cream.
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