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Similar words: eas · tea · teasc · tease · Texas
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teas could be a grammatical form of: tea » · eas »
teas, m. (gs. ~a). Heat. 1. Hotness, warmth. ~ na gréine, na tine, the heat of the sun, of the fire. ~ an tsamhraidh, summer heat. Fan go dtaga ~ an lae, wait till the day gets warmer. Tá an ~ ag teacht ionam arís, I am beginning to feel warm again. Tá a d~ féin acu, they are keeping each other warm. 2. Warm clothing, warm place. Cuir ~ ort féin, put on something warm. Cuir sa ~ é, put it in a warm place. Tá ~ éadaigh orthu, they are warmly clad. 3. Degree of hotness. Cuir ~ bhainne na bó ann, warm it to the level of milk fresh from the cow. 4. High temperature, feverishness. Tá ~ ina éadan, his brow is hot. Bhí ~ mór ina chuid fola, he had a very high temperature. Bhí ~ na haithinne ann, he was in a feverish hurry. 5. Ph:~ adamhach, atomic heat. ~ folaigh, latent heat. 6. Ardour, passion. ~ crábhaidh, fervent devotion. ~ ceana, grá, warmth of affection, of love. 7. Hottest, highest, stage. Bhí an chonspóid ina ~, the dispute was at its height.
~ ab é, ~ gurb é, an teas, but for the heat.
~ teasa, ar theas, ability to withstand heat.
A~ Theas, South African.
Leáite ag an teas, melted with the heat.
Tá na ba ag ~ leis an teas, the cows are gadding with the heat.
Theas air, south of it.
Tagann sé as teas na gréine, it comes from the heat of the sun.
Bheith athleáite (ag an teas), to swelter (with heat).
~ teasa, recuperation of heat.
~ teasa, sweltering heat.
Rud a bhogadh le teas, le cuimilt, to soften sth. with heat, with rubbing.
Ag ~adh le teas na gréine, growing rapidly with the heat of the sun.
Teas ~, sweltering heat.
Tá mé bruite leis an teas, I am baked with the heat.
~eann an gráta sin amach an teas, that grate throws out the heat.
Teas a chlaochlú go fuinneamh, to transform heat into energy.
~ teasa, conductor of heat.
~ leis an teas é, harden, toughen, it with the heat.
Níl an tine ag cur mórán teasa aisti, the fire is not giving out much heat.
~ ar aimsir, ar uisce, ar theas, proof against weather, water, heat.
~ ag an tine, ag an teas, burned, scorched, by the fire, by the heat.
Éireoidh an teas, the heat will rise.
Tá an teas, an fuacht, ag éirí ann, it is getting to be hot, cold.
Teas is ~, (alternate exposure to) heat and cold.
Beireann an ~ ar an teas aige, he blows hot and cold; he is shiftless, lets things slide.
Comhfhad a théann teas agus ~, soon hot soon cold; moods change.
~ann teas le fiabhras, heat accompanies fever.
Bhí ~ teasa ag éirí asainn, we were steaming with the heat.
Ag ~ faoin teas, complaining of the heat.
Teas a ghiniúint, to generate heat.
~ teasa, gaile, gáis, generation of heat, of steam, of gas.
Ní ghoilleann an teas air, he doesn’t suffer from the heat.
~ teasa, heat-stroke.
~ teasa, degree of heat.
~ ó bhuille, ó theas, smarting from a blow, from heat.
Bhí ~ teasa iontu, they were tingling with heat, in a glow.
Níl mórán teasa sa chóta sin, that coat is not very warm.
D’~ an teas as, it lost heat.
Teas imoibriúcháin, heat of reaction.
~ teasa, ar theas, reduction of heat.
Thiar ~ theas, west by south.
Bhí mé lag le teas na gréine, I was weak from the heat of the sun.
~ sé leis an teas, it melted with the heat.
~ an teas orm, the heat oppressed me.
Teas ~ fiabhrais, malignant heat of fever.
~ teasa, heat exchanger.
~ teasa, reduction of heat.
Bhí mé ~ ag an teas, I was overcome by the heat.
Teas ~, oppressive heat.
Teas ~, oppressive heat.
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