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le1, prep. (Pron. forms:liom, leat, leis m, léi f, linn, libh, leo)(Prefixes h to vowel, becomes leis before article. S.a. an1. Combines (i) with possessive adjectives a, ár to form lena, lenár, (ii) with relative particles a, ar to form lena, lenar) With; to, for; by, against. 1. (a) In proximity to, in contact with, beside. Bhí a dhroim le balla aige, he had his back to a wall. Fág le binn an tí é, leave it against the gable of the house. Chóirigh sí leis an tine iad, she arranged them alongside the fire. Bhí éadach olla lena chneas, there was woollen clothing next his skin. Druid anall liom, come over close to me. S.a. aice11, lámh119(b), taobh12, 3, 12(a), (d), 13(b), 14(b).(b) Applied to. Chuir sí a lámh lena leiceann, she put her hand to her cheek. Tá sé mar thaca le mo cheann agam, I have it as a support for my head. Dá mbeadh ceirín leis, if a poultice were applied to it. Nuair nach bhfuil srian le do theanga, since you have an unbridled tongue. (c) Attached to. Tá sé crochta le do mhuinchille, it is hanging from your sleeve. Bhí brobh lena eireaball, there was a wisp clinging to his tail. 2. Towards, facing, open to. Bhí a aghaidh linn, he was facing towards us. Tabhair do chúl leo, turn your back to them. Chuir sé a shrón le gaoth, he put his nose to the wind. Tá siad ina luí le gréin, they are lying in the sun. Rite le doineann, exposed to storms. Tá súil aige leis, he has an eye to it, expects it. 3. (a) Along the face of. Ag dreapadh leis na carraigeacha, climbing up the rocks. D’éirigh an tuile leis na bruacha, the flood rose against the banks. Thit sé leis an aill, he fell down the cliff. (b) Along the course of. Ag siúl le ciumhais na habhann, walking along the margin of the river. Thart le bun an chnoic, round the bottom of the hill. Lit:Le Muaidh, by the Moy. (c) In the same direction as. Cuimil leis an snáithe é, rub it with the grain. (d) In motion with. D’imigh sé le gaoth, it was carried off by the wind. Cartadh leis an taoide iad, they were swept away by the tide. Le sruth, with the stream. 4. (a) In company with. Siúl le duine, to walk with s.o. Rinne siad an turas linn, they made the pilgrimage along with us. Bhí mé ar scoil leo, I was at school with them. Tá sí ina cónaí linn, she is living with us. Sa teach linn, in the same house with us. An bhean bhocht atá léi féin, the poor woman who is by herself. (b) In association with. Cuir sa chomhad leis na páipéir eile é, put it in the file with the other papers. Ní raibh aon anlann leis na prátaí acu, they had no sauce with the potatoes. Ná caith an hata sin leis, don’t wear that hat with it. Le gach maith dá bhfuaireamar, with every favour that we received. (c) In agreement, correspondence, with. Tá an gorm ag gabháil go deas leis, the blue goes nicely with it. Ná bí thusa ar aon nós leo, don’t you take after their fashion. Is iomaí duine leis, there are many like him. Tá mé leat amhlaidh, I am like yourself in that respect. S.a. aon22. (d) On the side of, favouring. D’iompaigh siad linn, they came over to our side. Bhí an tromlach linn, the majority was with us. Má tá tú liom ar an scéal, if you agree with me on the matter. Bhí an t-ádh leis, he was lucky. Tá an lá leat, you have won the day. D’éirigh an saol leo, they got on well in life. Tá liom, I have succeeded. Dia linn! God bless us! (e) In support of. Tá fianaise agam leis, I have evidence for it. Má tá cúis agat leis, if you have cause for it. Thug sé gealltanas leis, he gave a promise with it. Is maith d’fhocal leis, it is good to have your word for it. (f) On behalf of, for the sake of. Paidir le hanamacha na marbh, a prayer for the souls of the dead. Le leas na tíre, for the good of the country. Ar mhaithe leat féin, for your own sake. 5. At, against. Chuir sé an gadhar linn, he set the dog at us. Tháinig an seanghortú leis, the old wound came against him. Ná bí liom mar gheall air, don’t annoy me about it. Is leat atá sé, it is you he is getting at. Níl maith a bheith leo, there is no use in trying to deal with them. 6. (Of time)(a) Coincidental with. Éirí leis an lá, to rise with the dawn. Le luí gréine, at sunset. Ag athrú leis an aimsir, changing with the times. Leis sin, thereupon. Leis sin féin, at that very moment. (b) Coextensive with. Le saol na saol, for ever and ever. Le cuimhne na ndaoine, in man’s memory. Tá máchail air lena lá, he is disfigured for life. (c) During the course of. Lenár linn féin, in our own time. Tá sé anseo le fada, he has been here this long while. Le mí anois, for a month now. Ní fhaca mé iad leis na blianta, I haven’t seen them for years. 7. (Equation, comparison) Cothrom le, level with. I gcomparáid le, in comparison with. Inchurtha le, comparable to. I gcosúlacht le, likened to. Níl aon reathaí sa tír leis, there isn’t a runner in the country to match him. D’oibreodh sé le triúr fear, he could do the work of three men. Ní fhaca mé aon duine a d’fhás leat, I have seen no one who has grown like you. Chomh mór le, as big as. Bhí sé chomh cóir agat é a dhéanamh liomsa, you had as much right to do it as I had. Tá sé chomh maith agat suí le seasamh, you may as well sit as stand. 8. (a) (Relationship) Cara liom, a friend of mine. Pósadh iníon leis, a daughter of his got married. Tá mac leis ag obair ann, he has a son working there. (b) (Part, feature) Tá cos leis san uaigh, he has one foot in the grave. Gortaíodh súil leis, one of his eyes was injured. (c) (Property) Tá leabhar leat agam, I have a book of yours. Maraíodh bó leis, a cow belonging to him was killed. An té ar leis an áit, the person who owns the place. Is liom féin é, it is my own. (d) (Right, privilege) Is leat imirt, it is your turn to play. Dá mba liom é a dhéanamh, if it was for me to do it. Más leat a bheith in am, if you mean to be in time. (e) (Exclusiveness) Fear leis féin é, he is a man apart. 9. (a) Having, taking, carrying. Tá mo chóta leat, you are taking my coat. Beidh féirín liom chugat, I will bring you a present. Tá sé le fear an phoist, the postman is taking it. Bhí sé amuigh le gunna, he was out with a gun. Bhíodh an cú leis ar iall, he used to take the hound on a leash. S.a. iompar 10. (b) Wearing, characterized by. Dá bhfeicfeá é lena chulaith nua, if you saw him with his new suit. Éide lena hórshnáithe, a uniform with its gold braid. (c) Accompanied by. Bhí a dheartháir leis, his brother was along with him. Ná bíodh an oiread sin calláin libh, don’t come with so much noise. 10. (a) (Of freedom of movement) Tá a cheann leis, he has got his head, is free to go. Dá mbeadh na cosa liom, if I had the use of my legs. Bhí rith na tíre leo, they had the run of the country. (b) (Of manner of going) Bhí siúl géar linn, we were going at a sharp pace. Shíl mé go raibh céim bhacaí leat, I thought you were walking with a limp. Ná bíodh dhá thaobh an bhealaigh mhóir leat, don’t be going from side to side of the road. (c) (Of direction, tendency) Tá fána leis, it slopes. Tá casadh géar chun an chladaigh leis, it takes a sharp turn towards the shore. Bhí lámh ó thuaidh leis an long, the ship was veering slightly to the north. 11. (Of continued action) Abair leat, say on. D’oibir mé liom, I kept on working. Siúil leat, walk on; come along. D’imigh sé leis, he took himself off. Tá siad ag fás leo, they continue to grow. 12. (Used elliptically) Isteach leat, libh, in you go. Amach leis, (i) out he came, went, (ii) out with it, say it. Don diabhal leo! To the devil with them! 13. (a) (Introducing request) Le do chead, with your permission. Le do thoil, if you please. (b) (Introducing expression of regard) Le mórmheas, with great respect. Le dea-mhéin an údair, with the author’s compliments. 14. (a) By use of, by means of. Gearr le scian é, cut it with a knife. Ruaigeadh le clocha iad, they were driven off with stones. Bhí sé ag siúl le croisín, he was walking with a crutch. Daoradh le feall é, he was condemned by treachery. Le cleas a rinneadh é, it was done by a trick. Léirigh le sampla é, illustrate it by example. Le mo dhá shúil a chonaic mé é, I saw it with my own two eyes. (b) Using. Tá sé gasta leis na lámha, he is quick with his hands. Is tú is fearr againn leis an ord, you are the best of us with the sledge-hammer. 15. (Of author, agent) By. Dán le Céitinn, a poem by Keating. Bhí triúr clainne aici leis, she had three children by him. Lit:Toghladh an dún leis, the fort was stormed by him. Lit:Trí aon pheacadh le hÁdhamh, on account of one sin by Adam. 16. (a)(Of occupation)Dul le léann, le ceird, to take to learning, to a trade. Thug siad an lá leis na bradáin, they spent the day at salmon-fishing. Lean ort leis an rómhar, carry on with the digging. Ag obair le miotal, working in metal. Dochtúir le leigheas, doctor of medicine. Ní dhearna sé maith leis, he did no good at it. (b) (Of state, feeling) Dul le báiní, to go berserk. Bhí sé le cuthach, he was enraged. Ná caith do shaol le díomhaointeas, don’t spend your life in idleness. 17. (a) (Entailment) Tá costas, saothar, trioblóid, leis, it entails cost, labour, trouble. Má tá deifir leis, if it is urgent. (b) (Inherent quality) Tá ciall leis sin, that makes sense. Bhí brí lena chuid cainte, there was force in what he said. 18. (a) (Bound, limit) Tús, deireadh, a chur le rud, to begin, to end, sth. Thosaigh, chríochnaigh, sé leis sin, it began, ended, with that. Tá bun fírinne leis, it is based on fact. Dá mbeadh fál leis, if it were hedged in. (b) (Addition, extension) Tá fad, leithead, leis, it has been lengthened, widened. Lig sí orlach leis, she let it out an inch. A naoi le a deich, nine added to ten. Corradh le bliain, more than a year. Trí mhí agus beagán leis, three months and a little over. 19. By presence, admixture, inclusion, of. Tá tú bán le plúr, you are white with flour. Ar maos le sáile, soaked with brine. Milis le siúcra, sweet with sugar. Líon le huisce é, fill it with water. Bhí an seomra plódaithe le daoine, the room was crowded with people. 20. (a) By reason of, as a result of. Ar crith le heagla, quaking with fear. Ag damhsa le lúcháir, dancing for joy. Bhí mé lag le teas na gréine, I was weak from the heat of the sun. Le cion ort a rinne sé é, he did it out of affection for you. Leis an deifir a bhí air, such was his hurry. Le teann díomais, out of sheer arrogance. Ná cuir thú féin in easláinte leis, don’t ruin your health because of it. Níor chuala mé é le gleo na bpáistí, I didn’t hear it because of the noise of the children. D’alp siad é leis an ocras a bhí orthu, they were so hungry that they gulped it down. (b) As regards. Thuill sé clú le peannaireacht, he earned a reputation for penmanship. Dream ar leith iad le cneastacht, they are an exceptionally honest people. Tá an donas air le bréaga, he’s the deuce of a liar. (c) For the purpose of. Le greann a dúirt mé é, I only said it for fun. Le rún mioscaise, with malicious intent. Rinne tú sin le holc orm, you did that to spite me. (d) In requital for. Bíodh sin aige lena chuid mórtais, let him take that for being so boastful. (e) Notwithstanding. Sháraigh air lena chuid léinn, he failed for all his learning. (f) In reference to. Mar a dúirt Seán leis an asal, as Seán said about the donkey. 21. (a) (State of mind, opinion) Is dóigh liom (go), I am of the opinion (that). Is beag is cás linn iad, we are not much concerned about them. B’fhada leo an lá, they thought the day was long. An té ab ansa léi, the one she loved best. Ní maith liom é, I don’t like it. An miste leat? Do you mind? (b) (Practice) B’annamh leis a bheith déanach, it was unusual for him to be late. Is minic leo cuairt a thabhairt orainn, they often visit us. Mar is gnách leis, as is customary with him. (c) (Feeling for, attitude towards) Ná bí feargach liom, don’t be angry with me. Tá sé sásta lena iarracht, he is pleased with his attempt. Lách, cineálta, báúil, naimhdeach, le duine, pleasant, kind, sympathetic, hostile, to s.o. 22. (Of dealings with) Margadh, conradh, socrú, a dhéanamh le duine, to make a bargain, a contract, a settlement, with s.o. Rinneamar síocháin leo, we made peace with them. Tá gnó agam leat, I have business to transact with you; I need you. Chuir sé geall liom, he made a bet with me. Déan rud éigin leis, do something with it. 23. (a) (With verbs of communication) Labhairt le duine, to speak to s.o. Bhí siad ag comhrá le chéile, they were chatting to one another. Tá sí ag gáire leat, she is smiling at you. Ag feadaíl linn, whistling at us. Éist liom, listen to me. Cheiliúir sé linn, he bade us farewell. (b) (With verbs expressing help, opposition, agreement, disagreement, union, separation, etc.) Cuidiú, comhoibriú, le duine, to help, co-operate with, s.o. Neartaigh siad linn, they added to our strength. Ag troid, ag coimhlint, le duine, fighting, contending, with s.o. Bhí siad ag coraíocht le chéile, they were wrestling with one another. Aontú, easaontú, le duine, to agree, disagree, with s.o. Ba cheart duit cloí le d’fhocal, you should abide by your word. Rudaí a cheangal, a shnaidhmeadh, le chéile, to tie, knot, things together. Scaradh le rud, to part with sth. Scaoileadh saor leis, he was set free. S.a. bain le, cuir le, déan le, gabh le, lean le, lig le, tar le, téigh le. 24. (With vn.)(a) (To express purpose) Tá scéal le hinsint agam duit, I have a story to tell you. An rud atá le rá agam, what I have to say. Le bia a cheannach, in order to buy food. Suim bheag le do chostas a íoc, a little sum to pay your expenses. (b) (Expectation) Tá sé le himeacht amárach, he is to go away tomorrow. Tá siad le pósadh, they are to be married. S.a. bás (c) (Possibility) Tá siad le feiceáil sa spéir, they may be seen in the sky. Dá mbeadh sé le fáil, if it were to be found. (d) (Obligation) Tá an obair le déanamh, the work is to be done. Bhí sé le críochnú agam, I had to finish it. (e) (Characteristic) Tá sé bog le siúl air, it is soft to walk on. Crua le cogaint, hard to chew. Níl sé blasta lena ól fuar, it doesn’t taste well when drunk cold. S.a. leis2,3.
le2, prep. (In phrase) ~ thine, on fire.
le3. (In phrase) Gach ~ = gach re :gach 1(a).
Ba mhaith liom iad a bheith ann, I would like them to be there.
Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
Is ann ba mhaith léi a hadhlacadh, it was there she wished to be buried.
~ leis féin é, say it to himself.
Sin le rá, that is to say; in other words.
~ nach bhfuil baint agat leis, say you have nothing to do with it.
Deir lucht staire linn, historians inform us.
Cad a déarfá le deoch? What would you say to a drink?
Dúirt mé liom féin gurbh fhearr dom fanacht sa bhaile, I said in my own mind, I considered, that it would be better for me to stay at home.
Deirimse mairteoil leat! That’s what I call beef!
~ leat, continue your story; say what you have to say.
~ leis fanacht liom, tell him to wait for me.
Mar a bheadh Dia á rá leis, as if God ordained it, as if his life depended on it.
Déarfaidh mé thú le d’athair, I’ll report you to your father.
Níl dada le rá leis ach an méid sin, there is nothing to be said to him, concerning him, but that.
Ná bíodh sé le rá leat gur loic tú, let it not be cast up to you that you defaulted.
An bhfuil aon fhocal agat le rá liom? (i) Have you anything to say to me? (ii) Have you anything to say against me?
Mar a dúirt Seán leis an asal, as Seán said about the donkey.
~ leat! Go home!
3. Níor tháinig sé ~ leis é a dhéanamh, it is not in his nature to do it.
Thug sé ~ leis é, it is natural to him, he inherited it.
Ag ~ le rudaí, tinkering with things.
Cuir leis an ~ é, get rid of it.
Baineann sé le h~, it is relevant to the subject.
Is beag an t-~ a bhí leis de bharr a lae ag iascach, he had little reward for his day's fishing.
Nach bhfuil leat ~ an leabhar seo? Have you brought nothing but this book?
Bhí sé sásta ~ an leithscéal sin a ghabháil leis, he was satisfied when that excuse was offered to him.
Ní chreidfeá ~ chomh hard leis, you wouldn’t credit that he is so tall.
Tá réidhe an achair anois leis, he is making good progress now.
Bhí sí ag caoineadh an t-~ a bhí sí ag caint liom, she was weeping while she was talking to me.
Daoine a chur in ~ le, ina, chéile, to set people quarrelling.
Chuaigh sé, chuir sé é féin, thar a ~ leis, he overstrained himself at it, overdid it.
Tá an t-~ ag siúl leis, he is always in luck.
1. Bás le h~, death in bed, death from natural causes.
Níl clúmh le bhur n-~, you haven’t an easy life.
Lig fad an adhastair leis, give him plenty of rope.
Go h~ le Dia, providentially.
~ liom féin, apart by myself.
Thug sé na haenna leis, he escaped with his life.
An bhean is breátha a chuir a haghaidh le h~, the most beautiful woman ever born.
Ag imeacht le h~ an tsaoil, pleasure-seeking, leading a gay life.
Chaith sé a chuid airgid le h~ an tsaoil, he spent his money on pleasure.
Chomh h~ le meannán, le druid, as lively as a kid, as carefree as a starling.
Níl aon mhaith le duine ar bith aige sin, he thinks nobody is any good.
Ní miste liom agam nó uaim é, I don’t care whether I have it or not.
Tá go leor le déanamh agam, I have a lot to do.
Tá gnó agam leis, I have business with him.
Bhí troid aige leo, he had a fight with them.
Caith ~ leis, take time at it, don’t rush it.
Cás a ~t le duine, to plead a case with s.o.
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