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libh could be a grammatical form of: le »
libh : le1.
Tá ~ orm ag éisteacht libh, I am deaf listening to you.
~ leat! ~ libh! Out you go!
Tá mé ~ ag éisteacht libh, leis an scéal sin, I am tired listening to you, hearing that story.
Chugat leat! Chugaibh libh! Be off with you!
Amach ar an g~ libh, get out into the open, out of doors.
Tá mé ag ~eacht fada go leor libh, I have listened to, have been patient with, you long enough.
Tá foighne fhada agam libh, I have been long patient with you.
Is trua liom an té a ~adh libh, I pity the person who has to put up with you.
Ar ~adh libh? Did you catch fish, succeed in your quest?
Go n-éirí bhur n-~ libh, may you be lucky in your new home.
Go bhféacha Dia orm ~ (libh), God help me this day (because of you); I am in a sorry plight now (on your account).
~ leat! ~ libh! In you go!
Ná bíodh an oiread sin calláin libh, don’t come with so much noise.
Isteach leat, libh, in you go.
~ leat, libh, proceed.
Seo libh go ~ é, let us make a night of it.
~ leat! ~ libh! Back you go!
Rachainn féin libh, rachainn ~, I would go with you myself, so I would.
~ leat! ~ libh! Down you go!
~ leat! ~ libh! Up you go!
~ leat! ~ libh! Round you go.
Is trua liom an mháthair atá ag ~im libh, I pity the mother who is sacrificing herself for you.
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