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seas le, v.i. 1. Stand by, adhere to, support. ~amh le duine i nguais, to stand by s.o. in danger. Níor sheas siad le chéile, they didn’t stand together. ~amh le conradh, to abide by a contract. ~ le do ghealltanas, stand by your promise. ~ann sé lena fhocal, he is a man of his word. 2. Attend upon; be sponsor, groomsman, bridesmaid, to. An bhean a sheas leis an leanbh, the woman who stood sponsor for the child. Sheas sé liom lá mo phósta, he was best man at my wedding.
Seasamh go ~ (le duine, le rud), to stand fast (by s.o., sth.).
Tá sé chomh maith agat suí le seasamh, you may as well sit as stand.
Ag seasamh na honóra le chéile, standing on ceremony with each other; vying with each other.
~amh ar an urlár, le balla, to stand on the floor, against a wall.
Níl agam le seasamh air ach corrlá oibre, I have nothing to rely on but an odd day’s work.
Níl ~ ag aon duine leis, no one can put up with him.
Tá sí ina ~ leo ó mhaidin go hoíche, she dances attendance on them from morning till night.
Bheith ~ le rud, to be delighted with sth.
Tá sé ~ leis féin, he is very pleased with himself.
Ba thúisce liom suí ná seasamh, I’d rather sit than stand.
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