sprang, f. (gs. -ainge, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Four-pronged fork.
Thug sé ~ agus léim, he turned and sprang.
An dream ónar ~ sé, the race from which he sprang.
Thug siad ~ ar a chéile, they sprang at each other.
An dream ónar fhás sé, the people from whom he sprang.
Gheit an lasair ina grua, the colour sprang to her cheek.
Ghin tobar ann, a well sprang up there.
Chaith mé de ~ é, I sprang over it.
D’éirigh siad de ~ ina seasamh, they sprang to their feet.
Bhí ~ an dorais aige, he sprang to the door; he reached the door at a bound.
~ siad orainn, they sprang at us.
~ sé ar a each, he sprang on his horse.
Mhaidhm tobar as, a well sprang up from it.
D’éirigh sé de phreab, he sprang up.
Phreab sé den chathaoir, he sprang from the chair.
Phreab siad ina araicis, they sprang to meet him.
D’éirigh sé de ~, he sprang to his feet.
An dream as ar ~adh é, the people from whom he sprang.
Léim sé ~ claí orm, he sprang over a fence at me.