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cosaint could be a grammatical form of: cosain »
cosaint, f. (gs. -anta). 1. vn. of cosain. 2. (a) Defence, protection. ~ cirt, cúise, duine, tíre, anama, defence of right, of cause, of person, of country, of life. ~ airm a chur ar áit, to put an armed guard on a place. Arm cosanta, defence force. Claí cosanta, protecting fence. Buille gan chosaint, unguarded blow. Thit sé gan chosaint, he fell headlong, was unable to break his fall. Bheith ar do chosaint, to be on the defensive. Duine a chur ar a chosaint (ar), to put s.o. on his guard (against). Tá a chosaint féin ann, he is able to defend himself. S.a. clogad 1, crann 4, 2. (b) Cards:Cuireata agus ~, knave and saver. Aon gan chosaint, bare ace.
Nuair nach raibh sé in ~ a chosanta, when he was not in a position to defend himself.
Fágadh cosaint an ~a orm, I was left to hold the fort.
~ a chosaint, a sheachaint, to guard, avoid, a blow.
~ a thabhairt agus ~ a chosaint, a sheachaint, to hit and parry a blow, keep one’s end up.
Do cheart a éileamh, a chosaint, to claim, defend, one’s rights.
Fuair sé ~ a raibh cosanta aige, he was given the amount he had earned.
~ cruach, cosanta, deataigh, gréine, steel, crash-, smoke-, sun-, helmet.
Duine a chosaint ar rud, to defend s.o. against sth.
Sinn a chosaint ó bhaol, ar olc, to protect us from harm, from evil.
An leanbh a chosaint ar an tine, to protect the child from the fire.
Buille a chosaint, to ward off a blow.
An tír a chosaint, to defend the country.
Do chlú a chosaint, to defend one’s reputation.
Cás a chosaint, to defend a case.
Báire a chosaint, to keep goal; to save a goal.
An bheirt a chosaint ar a chéile, to keep the two from fighting each other.
Ríocht Dé a chosaint, to earn the kingdom of God.
Tá céad punt cosanta aige, there is a hundred pounds coming to him.
Tá sé cosanta aige, he has earned, deserves, it.
~ cosanta, seasta, taca, pillar, champion.
~ chosanta, chief defender, champion.
An chreach a chosaint, a roinnt, to defend, share, the spoils.
~ cosanta, watch-dog.
~ cosanta, ~ daortha, defence to fall back on, mainstay.
~ an chúisimh, na cosanta, witness for prosecution, for defence.
Ghabhamar ionad cosanta, we took up a defensive position.
Teach ~ chosaint, undefended house.
~ cosanta, bodyguard.
Cosaint na gráinneoige, hedgehog defence.
ábhar, gan chosaint, neamhdhleathach, material, undefended, illegal.
Dá mbeadh a chosaint féin ann, if he were able to defend himself.
~ cosanta, defence post.
~ chosanta a chine, the protecting hand of his race.
~ chosanta, line of defence.
~ cosanta, protective mask.
Oibreacha cosanta, defensive works.
Is é cosaint na ~e a chruachas na puint, take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
~ cosanta, guard-rail.
An ~ a chosaint, to protect the king (at chess).
~ chosanta, protective shield.
Tá sé ina ~ chosanta aici, he shields her (from all censure).
~ (chosanta) ar inneall leictreachais, shield on electric machine.
Rud a chosaint go dtí an ~, to defend sth. to the limit.
~ ceangail, cosanta, binding-, rubbing-, strake.
Chuir siad iad féin i d~ chosanta, they prepared to defend themselves.
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