cú, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna, gs. & gpl. con used in certain phrases) 1. Hound, greyhound. Prov: Mar a bhíos an ~ mór bíonn an coileán, like father like son. Prov: I gcosa ~ a bhíos a chuid, a hound depends on its speed for food. Prov: Is minic a bhí ~ mall sona, ‘a lagging hound was often lucky’, better late than never. Prov: Is olc an ~ nach fiú fead a ligean air, ‘it is a poor hound that is not worth whistling for’, anything is better than nothing. S.a. glam1, lúb1 1(a), sailchuach, teith1 2. 2. ~ allta, wolf. ~ cosanta, watch-dog. ~ dobhráin, otter. ~ fola, bloodhound. ~ seilge, hunting dog. S.a. cuachma. 3. Fig: Hero, champion. (Var: f)
Tá sé chomh caol le cú, he is as slender as a greyhound.
Bhí dhá chú aige, mar a bhí Bran agus Sceolaing, he had two hounds, namely, Bran and Sceolaing.
Chomh ~ le cú, as slender as a greyhound.
Thug sé a cheann don chú, he slipped the greyhound.
Mar a bhíos an cú mór bíonn an ~, like father like son.
Madra, cú, confaidh, mad dog, hound.
A chú lena chois, his hound at his side, keeping pace with him.
Briseann an ~ trí chrúba, trí shúile, an chait; sciurdann ~ trí na crúba (agus leanann cú giorria), everything takes after its kind.
Cú mo chéad ~, a dog was the first thing I slew.
Chomh ~ le cú, as fast as a greyhound.
~ cú i ndiaidh a sháraithe, the cry of a frustrated hound; a howl of defeat.
Ní chuimhníonn cú ~ ar a coileán, ‘a hungry hound does not remember its whelp,’ necessity knows no law.
Lig sé an cú dá éill, he slipped the greyhound.
Bhíodh an cú leis ar iall, he used to take the hound on a leash.
Cú a ~ean dá iall, to unleash a hound.
~ cú, slipping of greyhound.
5. Cú, gadhar, loirg, tracker dog.
Is fearr an cú atá sa siúl ná an cú atá sa ~, freedom of action is better than frustration.
~ chon, ~ mhara, sea-serpent.
Capall, cú, a ~, to course a horse, a greyhound.
A chú lena shála, his hound at his heels.
Cú, each, ~, slender hound, steed.
Ní theitheann cú roimh chnámh, ‘a dog doesn’t run from a bone’.