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comórtas, m. (gs. & npl. -ais, gpl. ~). 1. Comparison. ~ a dhéanamh (idir), to make a comparison (between). Rudaí a chur i g~ le chéile, to compare things. I g~ le, in comparison with. Ní ~ do chás le mo chás-sa, your case is not comparable to mine. Ní ~ ar bith dó iad, they are not to be compared to him, are no match for him. ~ téacsanna, collation of texts. 2. Competition. ~ imeartha, scéalaíochta, playing, story-telling, competition. ~ oscailte, coirn, open, cup, competition. Cluiche, scrúdú, comórtais, competitive game, examination.
Bhíodh comórtais ann, competitions used to be held.
~ comórtais, sraithe, competitive, league, game.
Comórtas ~, tough competition.
Is é rí na Féinne é i gcomórtas leo, he is a king compared with them.
Comórtas ~, inter-school competition.
Bheith ~ ar chomórtas, ar rás, to be entered for a competition, for a race.
Os cionn comórtais, beyond compare.
Comórtas ~e, league.
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