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Similar words: cirt · coir · ciot · clóirt · cóir
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coirt1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. Bark. (a) ~ (crainn), bark (of tree). An choirt a bhaint de chrann, to strip the bark from a tree. (b) Tanner’s bark. ~ is aol is néalfartach, bark and lime and tormentil. Idir choirt is chraiceann, lock, stock and barrel. (c) Bark-dye, tan. ~ a chur ar, faoi, eangacha, to tan fishing-nets. Fuíoll ~e, spent tan. 2. Coating; fur, scale, scum. ~ salachair, coat of dirt. ~ salainn, salty crust. ~ ar theanga, fur on tongue. Tá ~ an tsáile air, it is coated with brine. Fágann an tae ~ ar na cupáin, the tea stains the cups. An choirt a bhaint de choire, to scale a boiler. Bain an choirt de do mhuineál, scrub the dirt off your neck. Tá ~ ar na ballaí, the walls are coated, filthy.
coirt2 = coirtigh1.
Tá an choirt, an craiceann, an clúdach, ag imeacht ina ~anna, the bark, the skin, the cover, is peeling off.
Coirt, craiceann, péint, ag ~adh, bark, skin, paint, peeling off.
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