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cóir could be a grammatical form of: cór »
cóir1, f. (gs. córa, pl. córacha). 1. Justice, equity. An chóir a dhéanamh, to do what is just, proper. Rinne sé an chóir liom, he acted fairly towards me. Ceart agus ~, right and justice. Níl ceart ná ~ aige, there is neither right nor justice on his side; he is altogether wrong. ~ agus éagóir, justice and injustice. 2. Proper share, due. Tá a chóir de gach uile rud aige, he has his fair share, enough, of everything. Dá mbeadh a chóir den bhia aige, if he had enough to eat. Níor ith sé ach a chóir, he ate no more than his share, his fill. Níl dada le cois na córa aige, he has no more than his share, nothing to spare. Lena chóir (féin) a thabhairt dó, to give him his due. 3. Proper provision; accommodation. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to provide for, accommodate, s.o. Chuir siad ~ mhaith orm, they accommodated, treated, me well. ~ chodlata, sleeping accommodation. ~ do chapall, provision, stabling, for a horse. ~ is cion is cúram, support and affection and care. ~ leighis, medical treatment. Níl rud ar bith gan a chóir féin, everything needs proper attention. Ch:~ bheathaithe, culture medium. 4. Proper condition. Rud a chur i g~, to put sth. right, in order. Má tá sibh i g~, if you are ready, dressed. Tá gach ní i g~, everything is in order, in readiness. Níl mé ar mo chóir féin inniu, I don’t feel right, things are not going right with me, today. Tá sí ar a ~ féin arís, she is her old self again. ~ a chur ar rud, to put sth. into proper condition, to repair sth. F:~ a chur ar dhuine, to discuss s.o. 5. Proper equipment; (pl.) requisites. ~ oibre, working equipment, facilities. ~ mhaireachtála, means of subsistence. ~ thaistil, conveyance. ~ throscáin, set of furniture. ~ stórála, storage. ~ uisce, water system. Córacha leapa, dorais, bed-, door-, fittings. Long faoina ~, a rigged ship. A chóir éadaigh, his rig-out. Ach an chóir cheart a bheith agat, provided one has, had, the right equipment. Córacha catha, ‘runs’, flourishes, in story-telling. 6. ~ (ghaoithe), favourable wind. Seoladh le ~ ghaoithe, to sail with a fair wind. Ag imeacht le ~, sailing large. Bhí an chóir linn, we had a following wind. Prov:Má bhíonn long is lón agat gheobhaidh tú ~ (uair éigin), patience is always rewarded. ~ shíne, favourable weather. Is maith an chóir an ciúnas, a calm is better than a gale. S.a. contráil 3.
cóir2, s. Nearness, proximity. (In prepositional phrase) De chóir, a chóir, chóir, near. De chóir baile, na cathrach, near home, the city. Fan de mo chóir, stay near me. Ná gabh de chóir na tine, don’t go near the fire. (De) chóir (a bheith), nearly. Tá sé (de) chóir a bheith déanta, chóir déanta, it is nearly done. An bhfuil tú réidh? Chóir a bheith. Are you ready? Almost.
cóir3, a. (gsm. ~, gsf., npl. & comp. córa).Just, proper; decent, honest. Breithiúnas ~, just judgement. Éileamh, cúiteamh, ~, just demand, recompense. Luach ~, fair price. Caint chóir, proper, decent, speech. An focal ~, the right, apt, word. Thug tú an t-ainm ~ air, you called him by his right name, by the name he deserves. Duine ~, just, honest, person. Bhí a bhean chóir leis, his good lady accompanied him. A dhuine chóir! My dear man! A bhean chóir! My dear lady! Seo chugainn Brian ~, here comes honest Brian, the bold Brian. Bhí sé ~ lena chomharsana, he was fair-minded, generous, towards his neighbours. Níl sé ceart ná ~, it is neither right nor just. Rud a dhéanamh mar is ~, to do sth. properly. An rud is ~ a dhéanamh, what ought to be done. Ba chóir duit labhairt leis, you ought to speak to him. Ba chóir go mbeadh ciall aige, he ought to have sense. Nár chóir go n-éistfeá liom? Why won’t you listen to me? Ní ~ a bheith ina dhiaidh air, one can hardly blame him. Más ~ dom a fhiafraí, if I may ask. Ba chóir a rá (go), it should be mentioned (that). Nó ba chóra a rá (go), or rather it should be said (that). Cár chóra domsa ná duitse é a dhéanamh? Why should I do it any more than you? Cér chóra do dhuine eile? Who is more deserving? Is tú is ~ a bheith ann! It is well to be you! S.a. diallait 1.
cóir4, (In adverbial phrase) ~ máireach, right or wrong, at all costs. Beidh sé agam (más) ~ máireach (é), I will have it by fair means or foul. Shíl sé ~ máireach go mbainfeadh sé díom é, he thought he would take it from me whether I wished it or not. Bí liom ~ máireach, come with me by all means. (Var:~ amáireach)
A chóir, near.
Is tú is cóir a bheith ~! You are a lucky beggar!
Gar, deas, do bhaile; de chóir ~, near home; near at hand.
A bhean chóir, chléibh, my dear woman.
Caith, imir, do bhearta mar is cóir, play your cards properly; play the game.
Do bheatha a chaitheamh mar is cóir, to lead a proper life.
~ é ba chóir dom a rá? What should I say, have said?
Níl sé ~ ná cóir, it is neither right nor just.
Ba chóir dó ciall a bheith aige feasta ~, he is old enough now to have sense.
Rud a choinneáil te, i gcóir, ar snámh, to keep sth. warm, in order, afloat.
An chonair chóir, the path of righteousness.
An chóir agus an chontráil, favourable and unfavourable wind, weather, conditions.
Bhí an chóir agus an chontráil ag teacht trasna ar a chéile orm, I was unable to take advantage of the favourable conditions; I was at cross purposes with myself.
Is ~ agus is cóir sin, it is right and proper.
Dhá dtrian córa cumhacht, might is (two-thirds) right.
Ceart, cóir, a dhámhachtain do dhuine, to accord right, justice, to s.o.
Maith, olc, cóir, éagóir, a dhéanamh, to do, accomplish, good, evil, justice, injustice.
An ~ a chur ar an each cóir, to saddle the right horse, put the blame where it belongs.
~ a dhéanamh le duine, to do less than justice to s.o.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to provide poor accommodation for s.o.
Ar ~, poorly provided for, on poor fare.
A dhuine chóir, my good fellow, my dear sir.
An té a fuair is dó is cóir (é), finders (are) keepers.
Ba chóir go mbeadh siad anseo ~, am ar bith ~, they ought to be here by now, at any time now.
~ is cóir, as is just.
~ cúis chóir, without just cause.
~ gur cóir é, though it is not just.
Tú féin a ghlanadh ó chúis, ó chóir, to clear oneself of an accusation, of an offence.
Fear a ghnáthaigh an chóir, a man who practised just dealing.
~ cóir, amaideach, wise, foolish, act.
~ an chóir leo, act justly towards them.
Bhí sé chomh cóir agat é a dhéanamh liomsa, you had as much right to do it as I had.
Cóir mhaith chodlata, good sleeping accommodation.
Níl sé ~ is cóir, it is not as it should be.
Cóir leighis a mholadh do dhuine, to prescribe a course of treatment for s.o.
Ár mbeatha a ordú mar is cóir, to order our lives properly.
Nár chóir go mbeadh ~ ionat? Can’t you be pleasant?
~ na córa, mirror of justice.
Cóir, gaoth, sheolta, favourable sailing-wind.
An t~ a chur ar an gcapall cóir, to put the saddle on the right horse.
~ cóir, choir-master.
Is cóir urraim a thabhairt don aois, age ought to be respected.
Ba chóir go bhfuair siad ~ ón tubaiste sin, that tragedy should serve as a revelation, should be a clear warning, to them.
Nár chóir go dtostfá tamall? I wish you would stop talking for a while.
Is maith a thuig sé nár chóir dó sin a dhéanamh, he knew well that he shouldn’t have done that.
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