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Similar words: mól · mál · maol · mil · míl
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mol1, m. (gs. & npl. moil, gpl. ~). 1. (a) Hub, nave. ~ rotha, hub of wheel. (b) Pivot, shaft, spindle. ~ muilinn, shaft of millstone. ~ tuirne, pivot of spinning-wheel. (c)~ píobáin, hose-reel. 2. Mec:Aer:Nau: Boss. ~ liáin, boss of propeller. 3. Geog: Pole. An M~ Thuaidh, Theas, the North, South, Pole. 4. Rounded, protuberant, part; top, crown. ~ uibhe, top of egg. Ar mhol a dhá ghlún, on his bended knees. Thar mhol an tsléibhe, over the top of the mountain. Tabhair ~ an tseoil mhóir di, give her full sail.
mol2, v.t. & i. 1. Praise, commend. Duine, rud, a mholadh, to praise s.o., sth. Mhol sé go spéir iad, he extolled them to the skies. ~aim do chiall, I admire your sense. ~adh as a eagna é, he was commended for his wisdom. Níor mhol sé aon duine riamh, he never had a good word to say for anyone. Is furasta (é) a mholadh, there is little to be said in his favour; he is only middling; it is not up to much. Iron:~aimse an obair a dhéanfása! What a wonderful job you would do! ~tar Dia! God be praised! Iron: Ye gods! Prov:~ an óige is tiocfaidh sí, youth responds to praise. Prov:Más maith leat do mholadh faigh bás, panegyrics are for the dead. S.a. áth 1, deireadh11(d), gort12, obair 2 (a).2. Recommend. (a)Rud a mholadh do dhuine, to recommend sth. to s.o. ~adh do dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to advise s.o. to do sth. Cad a mholfá? What would you suggest? ~adh dom labhairt leat, I was recommended to speak to you. (b)Med:Cóir leighis a mholadh do dhuine, to prescribe a course of treatment for s.o. (c)Iarrthóir a mholadh do phost, to recommend a candidate for a post. 3. Propose. Rún, tairiscint, a mholadh, to propose a resolution, a motion. An plean a mhol sé, the plan he put forward. ~aim go . . . I move that . . . 4. Award, adjudge. Duais a mholadh do dhuine, to award a prize to s.o. 5. ~ le, agree with; encourage, humour. Mhol sé liom ar an scéal, he agreed with me on the matter; he encouraged me to proceed with the matter. Ní raibh sé ach ag ~adh leat, he was only humouring you, encouraging you to go on. Ní mholaim leis sin, I don’t subscribe to that. 6. Ecc: Laud, sing in praise. Ag ~adh na dtráthanna, chanting the hours.
mol3 = moll.
Bhí siad á moladh aige, they were being praised by him.
Tá ~ molta acu air, they have reason to praise him.
Duine a mholadh go h~, to praise s.o. to the skies.
Is minice an moladh aige ná an cáineadh, he is more given to praise than to blame.
Ná mol ~ ná cáin é, neither praise nor find fault with it.
Duine a mholadh go h~, to praise s.o. highly.
Moladh iad as a gcineáltas, they were praised for their kindness.
Mol an t-~ mar a gheobhair, judge things as you find them.
Ó bhéal do mholadh, you are not sincere in your praise.
Moladh bréige, insincere praise.
Ag moladh agus ag ~eadh, praising and blaming.
Ag moladh a chéile, praising each other.
Duine a mholadh go ~a neimhe, na gréine, na spéire, to praise s.o. to the high heavens.
Ag moladh na ~a, pandering to fools.
Mol a dheireadh, you may judge it from the result.
~ molta, eulogy.
~ molta, caithréime, song of praise, of triumph.
Duine a mholadh ~ rud, to praise s.o. for sth.
Níor fágadh ~ molta air, nothing was left unsaid in his praise; he was lauded to the skies.
B’fhurasta iad a mholadh, it was easy to praise them; there was little to be said in their favour.
~ (mholta) a ligean, to give a cheer.
Mol ~ is ná mol geamhar, 'praise the crop and not the braird', don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
Ag moladh liom, ~ dhea, pretending to agree with me.
~ maol, uterine mole.
~ a dhéanamh ar, a thabhairt do, dhuine, to praise s.o.
Bhí ~ mór acu ort, they had great praise for you.
Tá ~ mór ar a chuid leabhar, his books are highly regarded.
~ le Dia, praise be to God.
~ a dhéanamh faoi rud, to make a recommendation about sth.
~ iarrthóra, proposal of candidate.
Ar mholadh duine, on s.o.’s recommendation.
Litir mholta, letter of recommendation.
Rud a fhágáil faoi mholadh duine, to let s.o. be the judge of sth.
~ beirte, arbitration by two persons.
Níl sé thar mholadh beirte, it leaves much to be desired.
~ mairbh, panegyric for deceased person; praise for the dead.
Ní ~ mairbh ar bith agam air é, I am not just extolling his memory.
Moltaí, lauds.
~ molta, eulogistic verse.
~ molta, exceeding praise.
~ a mholadh, a rith, to propose, to pass, a resolution.
Moladh, cáineadh, a thabhairt, to give praise, blame.
~ agus moladh, recommendation and praise.
Tá moladh ~te aici as, she deserves praise for it.
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