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Similar words: mól · mál · maol · mil · míl
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Acceptance of proposal, glacadh m le moladh.
He secured their acceptance of the proposal, thug sé orthu glacadh leis an moladh.
This proposal met with general acceptance, glacadh go forleathan leis an moladh seo.
To adjudge a prize to s.o., duais a mholadh do dhuine, a mholadh go dtabharfaí duais do dhuine.
He is the admiration of everyone, tá moladh ag gach duine dó.
To advise sth., rud a mholadh (do dhuine).
The advocates of free trade, lucht molta na saorthrádála.
F: He is angling for compliments, ag súil le moladh atá sé.
His speech was applauded, tógadh gáir mholta, buaileadh bosa, nuair a labhair sé.
To applaud s.o.'s work, obair duine a mholadh.
He was greeted with applause, tógadh gáir mholta (nuair a tháinig sé), cuireadh na gártha fáilte roimhe.
(Surpassing) Beyond praise, os cionn molta, thar mholadh.
Boss of the propeller, mol an liáin.
To break into praise of s.o., tosú ag moladh duine.
To chant s.o.'s praises, duine a mholadh go haer.
Chary of praise, gortach faoi mholadh.
To give three cheers, trí gháir mholta a ligean.
Chorus of praise, gáir mholta.
Parl: To move the closure, an clabhsúr a mholadh.
To commend s.o. for his bravery, duine a mholadh ar a chuid calmachta.
To counsel s.o. to do sth., comhairliú, moladh, do dhuine rud a dhéanamh.
Cracker-up, fear molta; bolscaire m, gaotaire m.
It might pass in a crowd, níl sé thar mholadh beirte.
To deserve praise, moladh a thuilleamh.
It leaves much to to be desired, níl sé thar mholadh beirte.
To applaud to the echo, gáir gháróideach mholta a thógáil.
To exalt s.o. to the skies, duine a mholadh go spéir.
To extol s.o. to the skies, duine a mholadh go spéir.
Extravagant praise, moladh thar meán.
Eager for praise, cíocrach chun molta.
He frowned upon the suggestion, níor thaitin an moladh leis.
To paint sth. in glowing colours, rud a mholadh go cranna na gréine.
To speak in glowing terms of s.o., gan fuíoll molta a fhágáil ar dhuine.
It was greatly admired, moladh go mór agus go fairsing é.
He is grudging of praise, is deacair leis moladh a thabhairt; tá sé gann faoina mholadh.
Gushing compliments, moladh masmasach; smeadar m bladair.
He hankers after praise, tá tóir mhór ar mholadh aige.
To heap praises on s.o., duine a mholadh go barr bata.
I was praising her, bhí mé á moladh.
I was praising him, bhí mé á mholadh.
A huddle of houses, mol tithe.
Passengers huddled on deck, paisinéirí ina mol ar bord.
To humour s.o., moladh le duine; duine a ionramháil.
Praise which was indeed well deserved, agus sin féin an moladh a bhí tuillte.
He is an indifferent writer, ní furasta a mholadh mar scríbhneoir.
At the instance of s.o., ar chomhairle, ar mholadh, ar iarratas, duine.
I intended it for a compliment to you, do mholadh ba mhian liom.
He became intoxicated with the praise which he received, chuaigh an moladh a fuair sé ina cheann dó.
Ecc: Lauds, moltaí mpl.
To be lavish in, of, praises, bheith flúirseach faoi mholadh.
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