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Similar words: cóire · caoire · coimre · coir · coirce
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coire could be a grammatical form of: coir »
coire1, m. (gs. ~, pl. -rí). 1. Large pot, cauldron. Lit: ~ (na) féile, public hospitaller’s cauldron. Hist: ~ gorta, famine soup-cauldron. 2. Boiler. 3. Geog: Corrie, cirque; amphitheatre, deep mountain hollow. ~ bolcáin, volcanic crater. (Loch) ~, tarn. 4. Pit. ~ (ifrinn), the pit (of hell). 5. ~ (guairneáin, guairdill), whirlpool. S.a. lus.
coire2 : coir1.
An choirt a bhaint de choire, to scale a boiler.
~ coire, boiler-jacket.
~ coire, loop-handle of cauldron.
~ carbradóra, coire, toirpéid, choke-, boiler-, torpedo-, tube.
~ coire, forked beams from which to hang cauldron.
~ coire, the fill of a cauldron.
~ an choire, coriander.
Phléasc an coire, the boiler blew up.
~ an t-uisce galach amach as na coirí, the boiling water poured out of the boilers.
Ná lig don choire cur thairis, don’t let the cauldron boil over.
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