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lus, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). Plant, herb. ~ cumhra, sweet herb. ~anna liag, lichens. ~ an aisig, daffodil. ~ anainn, pineapple weed. ~ gan athair gan mháthair, duckweed. ~ an bhainne, milkwort. ~ an bhalla, wallflower. ~ na mbanríon, auricula. ~ na mban sí, foxglove. ~ beatha, betony. ~ na bó, cucumber. ~ an bhorraigh, bladder-wort. ~ braonach, dropwort. ~ na mbrat, ~ mhic rí Breatan, wild thyme. ~ buí Bealtaine, marsh marigold. ~ cailce, gypsophila. ~ an chairdinéil, cardinal-flower. ~ caisil, asphodel. ~ na Cásca, pasque-flower. ~ na gcnámh, samphire. ~ na gcnapán, lesser celandine. ~ an chodlata, opium poppy. ~ an choilm, columbine. ~ an choire, coriander. ~ coise gé, goosefoot. ~ an chorráin, spleenwort. ~ croí, heart’s-ease. ~ an chromchinn, narcissus; daffodil. ~ an chrúbáin, gentian. ~ an easpaig, ~ an ghúta, ground elder. ~ na feannóige, crowberry (plant). ~ na bhfear beag, heath, white, bedstraw. ~ na fola, shepherd’s purse. ~ na bhfrancach, tansy. ~ na gaoithe, wood anemone. ~ garbh, goose-grass, cleavers. ~ na gealaí, honesty. ~ na gile, sweet-william. ~ an ghiolla, lousewort. ~ na gloine, glasswort. ~ gormáin, bluebottle, cornflower. ~ an ghrá, love-lies-bleeding. ~ na gréine, sunflower. ~ an leanna, hop. ~ liath, lavender. ~ na magairlí, orchid. ~ na meala, balm. ~ mín, dill. ~ míonla, forget-me-not. ~ molach, woodruff. ~ mór, foxglove. ~ mór na coille, deadly nightshade, belladonna. ~ nathrach, viper’s bugloss. ~ na hoíche, nightshade. ~ an óir, hedge-mustard. ~ na páise, passion-flower. ~ na pingine, pennywort. ~ an dá phingin, moneywort. ~ an phiobair, peppermint. ~ an tsabhdáin, sultan. ~ na seabhac, hawkweed. ~ na seangán, wall-pepper. ~ na seicne, rupturewort. ~ an tsiocaire, chicory. ~ na síochána, yellow loosestrife. ~ síoda, ragged robin. ~ na smáileog, wild celery. ~ an sparáin, shepherd’s purse. ~ súgach, ~ spreagtha, asparagus. ~ na súl buí, charlock. ~ tine, fire-weed, rose-bay willow-herb. ~ an tóiteáin, houseleek. ~ an treacha, thyme-leaved speedwell. ~ an úcaire, teasel.
~ ghé, lus coise gé, goosefoot.
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