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snáth, m. (gs. ~a).1. Coll: Thread, yarn. ~ caol, fine thread. ~ casta, twist. ~ céarach, waxed thread. ~ cnáibe, hemp thread. ~ cniotála, knitting yarn. ~ gloine, glass wool. ~ innigh, weft yarn. ~ leighil, lisle thread. ~ olla, woollen yarn. ~ uama, seaming-thread. Lit:~ uama an duine le Dia, the thread binding man to God. S.a. mála 1. 2. Threadlike line. ~ mara, (line of seaweed, etc., indicating) high-water mark. Tá siad ina ~ mara ann, they are swarming over the place. Tá ~ maith feamainne istigh, a good string of seaweed has been cast in. 3. Web. ~ damháin alla, spider’s web. 4. Bot:~ báite, water milfoil. (Var:~ach m)
Tá an snáth in ~, the thread is tangled.
Tá an snáth in ~, the thread is tangled.
Rud a dhéanamh as cré, snáth, brící, píosaí adhmaid, to make sth. from clay, yarn, bricks, pieces of wood.
Snáth a ~adh, to respin yarn.
~ i snáth, stretch, weak spot, in thread.
1. ~ snátha, súgáin, ball of thread, of sugan.
Éadach, sacán, snáth, rópa, ~e, hemp cloth, sack, thread, rope.
~ cnáibe, snátha, hemp, thread, winder.
~ snátha, band of thread; wound layer of thread.
(snátha, of yarn).
Snáth a dheilbhiú, to warp thread.
Tá an snáth díréitithe, the thread is tangled.
~ snátha, hank (consisting of twelve cuts) of yarn.
~ snátha, hank of yarn.
~ snátha, tangle of thread.
An ceirtlín snátha a chasadh, to wind the ball of thread.
Snáth innigh, weft (threads).
~ snátha, hank of thread.
Snáth leonta, (woollen ) thread used to bind sprain.
Éadach, snáth, muileann, olla, woollen cloth, yarn, mill.
~ snátha, cop.
4. Snáth ~, coarse thread.
3. ~ snátha, tangled mass of thread.
~ snátha, unravelling of thread.
Snáth a réiteach, to unravel thread.
Snáth roiste, yarn from unravelled knitting.
(snátha, of yarn).
3. ~ i snáth, i rópa, ragged section in yarn, rope.
~ snátha, thread-spinning.
Ag ~ snátha, spinning yarn.
(snátha, of yarn).
Snáth a thochras, to wind yarn.
~ snátha, cloig, the winding of yarn, of a clock.
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