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~ chomh beag, neither.
Ná mol ~ ná cáin é, neither praise nor find fault with it.
Níor ith sé ~ níor ól sé, he neither ate nor drank.
Níl sé ar m’~ ná ar m’éisteacht, I can neither see nor hear him.
Tá sé ina ~ marbh eatarthu, neither of them has gained an advantage over the other.
Níl teach ná ~ aige, he has neither house nor home.
Níl ~ ná áit aige, he has neither house nor home.
An té nár bhain is nár chaill, he who neither won nor lost, who never ventured anything.
Níl ~ ná cruinneas ann, there is neither rhyme nor reason to it.
Níl ~ ná forás air, he is neither prospering nor succeeding.
Níl cíos ná ~ orm, I pay neither rent nor tax.
Ní raibh ~ ná clóca uirthi, she wore neither bonnet nor cloak.
Créatúr nár choirigh is nár cháin, a harmless creature, a poor fellow who did neither hurt nor harm (to anyone).
Níor labhair ~ againn, neither of us spoke.
Níl sé ~ ná cóir, it is neither right nor just.
Níl cloch ná ~ ar áit an tí sin anois, where that house stood there is neither stick nor stone left now.
Ní raibh cor ná ~ astu, they neither moved nor spoke.
Níl ceart ná ~ aige, there is neither right nor justice on his side; he is altogether wrong.
Níl sé ceart ná ~, it is neither right nor just.
Ní dhearna sé stad (mara) ná ~, fos ná ~, sos ná ~, (go), he neither stopped nor stayed (until).
Níl ~ ná coinsias aige, he has neither faith nor conscience.
Níl teach ná ~ aige, he has neither house nor hold.
Níl ~ ná déanamh (caoi, craiceann, crot) air, it has neither shape nor form.
Ní raibh duine ná ~ ann, there was neither man nor mortal, not a soul, there.
Ní dhéanfaidh sé donas ná ~ duit, it will neither harm nor distress you.
Níl fiacha ná ~í air, he has neither debts nor expenses.
Ní bhfuair mé scéal ná ~ uaidh, I heard nothing from him; I have got neither tale nor tidings of him.
Níl ~ ná teacht agam, I can neither come nor go, I am cramped for space.
Níl ~ ar a chúl ná ar a aghaidh aige, he can neither advance nor retreat, he must face up to it.
Gan iomarca gan ~, neither too much nor too little.
Níl teach ná ~ aige, he has neither a house nor anything else.
Níl fios ná ~ agam orthu, I know nothing about them, have neither tale nor tidings of them.
Ní thig liom féar ná ~ a dhéanamh, I can neither make hay nor bind (corn), I can’t make myself useful.
Níor tháinig suí ná ~ air, he neither stopped nor stayed, never rested.
Ní thugann siad ~ ná suaimhneas dom, they give me neither rest nor peace.
Níl féar ná ~ aige, he has neither grass nor pasture, he is a landless man.
Níor stad sé is níor fhuaraigh sé (go), he neither stopped nor stayed (until).
Níl ~ ag ceachtar acu air mar chainteoir, neither of them can compare with him as a speaker.
Níl ~ ná déanamh ar na cultacha aige, his suits are neither well cut nor well made.
Tine nach loisceann agus nach ngorann, a fire that neither burns nor warms.
Ní bhfaighidh tú ~ ná náire as, you will be neither reproached nor disgraced for it.
Ní dheachaigh, níor tháinig, ~ ná foras air, he neither stopped nor stayed.
Gan ~ gan easpa, neither too much nor too little.
Níl ~ ná scríobh aige, he can neither read nor write.
Níl leanbh ná ~ acu, they have neither chick nor child.
Níl bonn ná ~ orthu, there is neither track nor trace of them.
Níl ~ ná meáchan iontu, they have neither size nor weight, are only puny things.
Ní mó (ná), neither.
Ní mó rachadsa, neither will I go.
Níl ~ ná truillín air, he has neither chick nor child, not a care in the world.
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