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méid, s. 1. m. (gs. ~). Amount, quantity, extent, degree, number. An ~ óir atá ann, the amount of gold in it. An ~ dochair a rinneadh, the extent of the harm that was done. An ~ fear atá aige, the number of men he has. An ~ sin uisce, that amount of water, so much water. An ~ sin fear, that number of men, so many men. Tá an ~ sin déanta, that much is done. An ~ is mian leat, as much as you wish. An ~ is fiú é, what it is worth. An ~ atá uait, the amount you require. An ~ acu a tháinig, those of them who came. An ~ is féidir liom, all that I can. Thug sé an ~ a bhí aige dom, he gave me all he had. Sin an ~ a chosain sé, that is what it cost, all it cost. Cad é an ~, cén ~, airgid a chaill tú? How much money did you lose? Agus an ~ atá le rá aige, and he has so much to say, talks so much. Tairg an ~ seo air, offer so much for it. Ná faigh an ~ sin dá shaothar, don’t put yourself to so much trouble with it. Tá sé an ~ sin rófhada, it is that much too long. Leath an mhéid sin, half that amount. Sa mhéid sin, to that extent. Sa mhéid go, inasmuch, in so far, as. ~ ár n-eolais, the extent of our knowledge. Cibé ~ atá le híoc, whatever amount is to be paid. D’imigh sé an ~ a bhí ina chosa, he went off as fast as his legs could carry him. 2. f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). Size, magnitude. ~ ruda, the size of sth. De réir ~e, according to size. Tá ~ mhór ann, it is very big. Bhí ~ fathaigh ann, he was a gigantic size. Fear faoi mo mhéid féin, a man of my own size. Cad é an mhéid atá iontu? What size are they? Dul i ~, to grow bigger. Teacht i ~, to grow up. Tá sé i mbun a mhéide, he is fully grown. Tháinig sé i ~ agus i misneach, he grew big and confident. Tá sé os ~ gach fir, he is bigger than all other men, a huge man. Níl ~ ná meáchan iontu, they have neither size nor weight, are only puny things. 3 = méad1.
Níl dada le rá leis ach an méid sin, there is nothing to be said to him, concerning him, but that.
D’fhan an méid sin agam, that amount remained in my possession.
Coimeád an méid seo i d’~, bear this in mind.
An méid nach mborradh an lá de bhorradh an oíche é, he throve wonderfully, grew rapidly.
Nár chuirimid ~ ar an méid atá déanta agat, honestly, you have done very little.
Is ~ bocht, ~ déirce, leo an méid sin féin a fháil, they are humbly grateful to get even that much.
Tá sé ag ~, i m~, a fháis, a mhéide, he is fully grown.
An méid a chaith siad le pósadh a n-iníne, what they spent on their daughter’s wedding.
An méid is ~ orainn, all who concern us.
D’imigh sé an méid a bhí ina chorp, he made off as fast as his legs could carry him.
D’imigh sé an méid, chomh géar is, a bhí ina chosa, he made off as fast as his legs could carry him.
An méid a chosain an teach dom, orm, what the house cost me.
D’imigh sé an méid a bhí ina chraiceann, he made off as fast as he could.
Coinnigh an méid sin faoi do chúlfhiacla, keep that to yourself.
Ní bheinn ag ~adh leis an méid sin, le beirt nó triúr, I would not confine myself to that amount, to two or three.
Bhí de mhéid na doininne (go), the storm was so great (that).
An méid atá de dhíth, all that is required.
I méid ~, grown-up.
Tá sé ~ bhun a mhéide, he is not fully grown.
Tá an méid sin d’fhuílleach, that amount is left over.
An méid a ~adh dó, the amount allocated to him.
~im duit sa mhéid sin, I grant you that much.
Tá sé i mbun a mhéide, he is fully grown.
Sa mhéid go, inasmuch as.
Dul i bhfeabhas, i méid, i neart, in aois, to get better, bigger, stronger, older.
Tá méid ~ ann, he is terribly big.
Ní imeodh an méid sin thairis, even that wouldn’t escape him.
Tá an méid sin le rá ina leith, that much is to be said in his favour.
~im leat an méid sin, I concede you that much.
Ba mhaith an méid sin féin a fháil, it would be good to get even that much.
~adh mé sa mhéid sin, I was deceived in that respect.
Méid mheánach, medium size.
~ méide, nirt, estimate of size, of strength.
Fad, méid, luas, a mheas, to estimate length, size, speed.
Méid mheasartha, medium size.
~ an mhéid atá ann, feel the size of it.
Tuigim sin ón méid atá ráite agat, I understand that from what you have said.
~ méide, order of magnitude.
An méid atá i b~ linn, all who are joined with us, on our side.
De ~ méide, according to size.
Tá siad ina ~ méide, they are big enough; they are of average size.
Tá méid shonraíoch ann, he is a remarkable size.
An méid a bhí ~, what was left over.
Tá ~ slán againn sa mhéid sin, we are on sure ground in that respect.
Ag teacht i méid, getting big, growing up.
Tá mé ag teacht leat ar an méid sin, I agree with you to that extent.
An méid de na Fianna a theastaigh uainn, those of the Fianna who were lost to us.
Is gearr a rachadh an méid sin orainn, that much wouldn’t last us very long.
Tá an méid sin ar a laghad ag dul duit, you are entitled to that much at least.
Dul i méid, i neart, in aois, to grow big, strong, old.
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