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meas could be a grammatical form of: eas »
meas1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of meas3. 2. Estimation, judgment; estimate, opinion. Do mheas a thabhairt ar rud, to give ones estimate of sth.; to state ones considered opinion of sth. Ba mhaith liom do mheas a fháil ar an obair seo, I would like you to tell me what you think of this work. ~ luacha, cánach, assessment of value, of tax. ~ méide, nirt, estimate of size, of strength. Tugadh ~ amadáin air, he was treated as a fool. tabhair ~ bréige orm, dont take me for a liar. ~ fir agat ort féin, if you regard yourself as a man. Cad é do mheas orthu? What do you think of them? Is é mo mheas (go), I estimate (that). 3. Esteem, regard, respect. ~ a bheith agat ar dhuine, ar rud, to have regard for s.o., sth. ~ a thuilleamh, to earn respect. ~ mór air, he is highly esteemed, well liked. ~ ar a fhocal, his word is respected. Tharraing ~ an phobail air féin, he won public regard for himself. Bíodh ~ agat ort féin, show self-respect. ~ ar danam agat, if you value your life. Níl ~ madra acu air, they have less regard for him than for a dog. ~ (aerach) faoi, he is proud, full of himself. Mise, le ~, (I am) yours respectfully. S.a. bile1 3(b).
meas2, m. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Fruit of forest tree, mast. ~ darach, fáibhile, oak-, beech-, mast. Muc mheasa, mast-fed pig. 2. Lit: Fruit, offspring.
meas3, v.t. & i. (2 sg. pres. ~(ann) ).Estimate, value, judge; deem, consider. Fad, méid, luas, a mheas, to estimate length, size, speed. Cén aois a mheasfá ? What age would you take him to be? Earraí a mheas, to value goods. ~ na beithígh seo dom, estimate the value of these cattle for me. ~adh agus tomhaiseadh an talamh, the land was assessed for quality and measured. Rud a mheas ar a chosúlacht, to judge sth. by its appearance. Duine a mheas de réir a thomhais féin, to take s.o. at his own valuation. Mheas go cruinn é, you judged it correctly. De réir mar a mheasaim, as far as I can judge. ~aim go bhfuil an ceart agat, I think you are right. Mheas go dtiocfá, I concluded that you would come. Mheas gar a dhéanamh dúinn, he thought to do us a good turn. An é sin an rud a mheas a ? Is that what you intended to say? An ~ann gur fiú sin é? ~ an fiú sin é? Do you think it is worth that? mheasfá é, you wouldnt think it of him. mheasaim é, I dont think so. Nach é atá ~ta agat! You must think a lot of it!
Níor shéid aon as an ~ ba mheasa é, there never was a stormier day.
An rud is measa ~, the worst thing there is.
~ measa, arbitrator.
Is olc bua na bruíne (agus is measa a díomua), nothing is ever settled by fighting over it.
An rud is measa dár bhuail faoi, the worst thing that happened him.
measa é ~, he is no worse than others.
~ é an rud is measa ar bith? What is the worst thing of all?
mór mo mheas air, much as I admire him.
Measaim gur ~ é, I think it is right, proper.
féin ba mheasa ach na ~a a bhíodh amuigh uaidh, he himself was not too bad but for his hirelings.
An chuid is measa de, the worst part of it.
Bhí ag iarraidh meas a chur air féin, he was trying to win respect.
Níl a dhath níos measa leis, I am none the worse for it.
Is é an rud is measa de (go), the worst part of it is (that).
An rud is ~ agus is measa, the best and worst thing.
Le ~, respectfully.
Fear ~ air féin, a self-respecting man.
meas an domhain, an ~ measa, acu air, they think the world of him.
Éilíonn siad cúram, meas, they demand care, respect.
Ag éirí níos measa, getting worse.
~ mheas, onóir, held in esteem, in honour.
Thug an ~ is measa ina bhéal, ina phluc, dom, he made a vile remark to me.
Meas a bheith agat ar fhocal duine, to have regard for s.o.’s word.
Nár thaga ~ is measa ( sin), may we hear no worse news (than that); the report is of no consequence.
Is measa a ghlam a ghreim, his bark is worse than his bite.
Is ~ rud is measa é, there are worse things in life.
~ le go raibh meas ar bith acu air, as for their having any respect for him.
Más olc ~ is measa mullóg, the alternative is even worse.
Mhéadaigh ar an meas a bhí agam air, he rose in my esteem.
Is ~ is measa mar sin é, it is far worse so.
~, le meas, (I am) yours truly.
1. Is ~ mo mheas air, I respect him all the more for it.
measa domsa ~ duitse é, it is no worse for me than for you.
Is é an chuid is measa den scéal (go), the worst aspect of the matter is (that).
Duit féin is measa é, it will be all the worse for you.
An rud is measa le duine a bhás bfhéidir gurb é lár a leasa é, what one regards as a fate worse than death may be all for ones good.
An bealach is measa le siúl, the worst road to travel.
measa used in special senses)
Is measa liom mo chás féin, I am more concerned with my own case.
is measa leat? Whom do you prefer?
Is measa leis a mháthair a athair, he likes his mother better than his father.
Caitheann an focal is measa ina phluc leo, he uses vile language against them.
Lámhach ~, predicted fire.
Is é an ~ is measa de (go), the worst part of it is (that).
Measa sa mheasa, worse and worse.
Is é an rud is measa ar an ~ (go), the worst of it is (that).
Dóibhsean is measa é, it will be the worse for them.
An rud is measa de ~ a bheith ar nós cuma liom, the worst feature of it is your indifference.
An ~ ba mheasa ina bhéal, the worst remark he could think of.
Thiocfadh meas agat air, you would get to respect him.
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