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means could be a grammatical form of: mean »
De réir, ar feadh, a ~e, according to his means.
Ag áireamh maoine, costais, calculating means, cost.
Ní hé sin an chiall atá leis san ~ eile, that is not what it means in the other passage, context.
Níl bás ná ~ air, he is by no means critically ill; he will get over it.
Gléas ~, slí bheatha, means of livelihood.
Chuaigh sé go ~ agus go crua orm, he tried to persuade me by all means.
Dá mbeadh ~ ar mo ghreamanna agam, if I could get my grips, get going properly; if I had the means (to do sth.).
Is beag ~ a bhí riamh aige, he never had much means.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine (ar rud a dhéanamh), to give s.o. the means, an opportunity (to do sth.).
Tá a chiall féin aige leis, he knows what he means by it.
An rud a chiallaíonn an focal, what the word means.
Ciallaíonn sé (go), it means (that).
Le ~, by means of trickery.
~ mhaireachtála, means of subsistence.
Beidh sé agam (más) ~ máireach (é), I will have it by fair means or foul.
Bí liom ~ máireach, come with me by all means.
Níl ~ agam le dada a dhéanamh, I have no ready means of doing anything.
Rachaidh sé idir a bhog is a chrua air é a dhéanamh, it will go very hard with him, he will have to use every means to do it.
Chuaigh mé go bog is go ~ air, I tried every means of persuasion with him.
Duine a chur ó chumas ruda, to incapacitate s.o. for sth.; to deprive s.o. of the means to do sth.
De réir a chumais, as far as he is able; according to his means.
Tá sé os cionn a chumais, he is living within his means.
Déanfaidh sé ~ caol é, he will use any means to do it.
~ iompair, means of transport; vehicle.
Níl sé cosúil leat ar dhóigh na ndóigheanna, he is not like you in any way whatsoever, by any manner of means.
Tá ~ beatha orthu, they have a poor means of livelihood.
Má tá sé ar slí fála agat, if you have any means of getting it.
Do lucht a bhfáltais, for people of their means.
Cibé atá ~ sin aige, whatever he means by that.
Ar ~ a acmhainne, according to his means. (Deprecatory)
Thar bhur n-acmhainn ~, beyond your own means.
~eadh de réir na mine, to live within one’s means.
Is furasta ~eadh in aice na mine, it is easy to do something if one has the means.
~ ábhair, maoine, scarcity of material, of means.
Ní théann an ~ gearr i bhfad, one can’t get far on slender means.
~ a bheith ort rud a dhéanamh, to have a means of doing sth.
Phósfadh sé dá mbeadh (an) ~ air, he would marry if he had the means.
~ beo, means of livelihood.
~ iompair, taistil, means of conveyance, of travel.
Tá sé ar son ~, he means business.
De réir a ngustail, according to their means.
In acmhainn an cháin a íoc, having the means to pay the tax.
Le h~, by means of a trick.
Tá ~ beag dá cuid féin aici, she has some means of her own.
Is ~ dom na litreacha, an chiall atá leis, I can see the letters, what it means.
Gach fear ~ a acmhainn, every man according to his means.
Leis an ~ is fearr le Dia, by whatever means God deems best.
~ atá sé a rá, he means us.
Is mór an ~ é, it is a great thing, it means a lot.
~ na meán, ablative of means.
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