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léir1, f. (In phrases) Mo ~! Mo ~ dhóite! Mo chreach is mo ~! Alas! Woe is me! Léan is ~ ort! Bad scran to you!
léir2, a1. 1. Clear, lucid; distinct, explicit; clear-headed, clever. Labhairt go ~, to speak clearly, distinctly. Go líofa ~, fluently and succinctly. Luath ~, quick and accurate. 2. (With copula) Is ~ go, it is clear that. Is ~ dom go bhfuil an ceart agat, I see that you are right. Is ~ dom na litreacha, an chiall atá leis, I can see the letters, what it means. Rud nach ~ don tsúil, what the eye cannot perceive. Ní ~ dó a locht féin, he can’t see his own fault. Is ~ dó cad tá lena leas, he knows what is good for him. Ní ~ dó an bealach a shiúl, he can’t see well enough to walk the road, he is practically blind. Ar feadh gur ~ dom é, as far as I perceive, understand, it. Ní ~ liom é, I can’t perceive it. Ní ~ liom go bhfaca mé a leithéid, I have no clear recollection of seeing anything of the sort. Ba ~ go raibh eagla orthu roimhe, they were evidently afraid of him. Is ~ do dhaoine dalla an domhain é, it is clear to anybody who wants to see it. Is ~ don saol (go), everybody knows (that). 3. (Adv.) Go ~, wholly, entirely. Iad go ~, all of them. An lá go ~, the whole day. Uile go ~, altogether. Tá siad (uile) go ~ ann, they are all there. An-mhaith go ~! Very good, indeed!
Is léir as sin go bhfuil fearg air, it is clear from that that he is angry.
Iad go léir ~, almost all of them.
Ní gá an ~ go léir, there is no need for all this carry on.
Thug sé leis an t-~ léir, he took the whole lot.
Ba léir dóibh go raibh ~ Dé san obair, they discerned the hand of God in the matter.
~ intinne, lucidity of mind.
Rud a chur i ~ do dhuine, to elucidate sth. for s.o.
Rud a thabhairt chun ~, to bring sth. into relief.
Ní thig luas le ~, speed is not conducive to accuracy.
Gliceas agus ~, cunning and subtlety.
Ní léir do dhuine a ~ féin, we find it hard to see our own faults.
~eann luath léir, speed is not conducive to accuracy.
An-mhaith go léir! Very good, indeed!
Tá ~ go léir anseo, we are all here.
Fuaireamar go léir stáitsí dúinn féin, we all secured vantage-points for ourselves.
Iad go léir i d~ a chéile, the whole lot of them together.
Ní hionann mar a chuaigh an aeráid linn go léir, the climate didn’t agree with us all to the same extent.
Tá sibh go léir ar an ~ sin, you are all harping on that string.
Tá na seomraí go léir ~tha, all the rooms are taken up.
~ na cainte go léir, on account of all the talk.
Bhí siad go léir ag baint ~ dá chéile, they were all striving to be first.
Ba léir dúinn ~ na fuinneoga iad, we could see them through the windows.
go léir) An bia ~ go léir, all, every bit of, the food.
Tá sé ~ go léir millte acu, they have destroyed it altogether.
Tabhair leat iad ~ go léir, take the whole lot of them.
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