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mise, emphatic pron., 1 sg. I, me. Bhí ~ ann, I was there. ~ a dúirt é, it was I who said it. Cé a rinne é? ~. Who did it? I did. Luaigh sé ~ agus tusa, he mentioned you and me. ~ Éire, I am Ireland. ~ mé féin, I myself. ~ faoi duit (go), I’ll warrant you (that). ~, le meas, (I am) yours truly.
~ mise greim a fháil air, when I catch him.
~ ab é mise, only for me.
Ní raibh mise ann ~ chomh beag, I wasn’t there either.
Bainfidh mise ~ as, I’ll make him comply.
Ní leathdhuine mise agaibh, you needn’t take me for a half-wit.
Níl ~ ach mise, it is only me; I am the only one.
Ní rachaidh mise ar ~ fharraige inniu, I will not go to sea under any circumstances today.
~ mise, said I.
Níor bhac duit go raibh mise leat, it was just as well for you that I was along with you.
Fágadh mise i mbun an bhacáin, I was left holding the baby.
Mura fíor é) ní mise ~ na bréige, (if it is not true) I did not invent it.
Cé atá ann? Tá, mise. Who is there? Why, me.
Bainfidh mise an ~ de, I’ll take the shine out of him.
Mise ~! Poor me!
Cuirfidh mise ~ air, I’ll put a stop to him.
Thug mise ~ dó, I set a poser for him.
Mise a labhair a chéaduair, I was the first to speak.
Rinne mise mar an g~, I did likewise.
Ní cheapfá a rá gur mise a rinne é? You don’t mean to say that I did it?
Ná mise ach ~ beag, nor I either.
Cuirfidh mise i gcéill dó é, I will bring it home to him.
~ acu mise nó tusa é, whether it be me or you.
Cuirfidh mise as a chigilteacht é, I’ll make him sit up.
Rinne mise an ~ céanna, I did the same thing.
Chuaigh seisean an t-áth agus mise an ~, he went by the ford and I crossed over the stepping-stones.
Ná ~ mise, don’t spare me; don’t refrain (from doing something) on my account.
Bainfidh mise an choisíocht díot, I’ll put a stop to your gallop.
~ uaimse é; ~ mise ann, leis; ~ mé duit ann, you may take it from me.
~ mise (go), I tell you (that).
~fidh mise díom féin é, I’ll get rid of him.
Dála mar a rinne mise, just as I did.
Is sine de chúig bliana é ná mise, he is five years older than me.
Ná ~ mar a rinne mise, don’t do as I did.
Ní ~ agat mise, you will not find me an easy mark.
Ní ~ réidh duit mise, you will not fool me easily.
Ní mise é, it is not me.
Ceoltóir eisean agus ní hea mise, he is a musician and I am not.
Cuirfidh mise ó ~ thú, I’ll make you stop meddling, I’ll put you in your place.
Cár fhág tú mise? Where do I come into your reckoning?
Bainfidh mise an fhail díot, I’ll make you sit up.
Mise ~ duit! I’ll warrant you!
Bhí mise ann ~, I was there also.
Mise an dara ~ uaidh, I am his descendant in the second generation.
Cuirfidh mise ~ ann, ina bhéal, I’ll stop him from talking.
Cuirfidh mise a chuid cainte ina ghoile dó, I’ll make him swallow his words.
Déanfaidh mise a ghoradh, I’ll warm his hide for him.
~faidh mise na mása aige, I’ll warm his hams for him, give him a spanking.
Cuirfidh mise ~ ionat, I’ll warm your hide for you.
Lig mise ina cheann. let me at him.
Beidh mise ~ leat, I’ll be up to your tricks.
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