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Similar words: ceas · clas · leas · ceal · céas
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cleas1, m. (gs. clis, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Trick. ~ a imirt ar dhuine, to play a trick on s.o. ~ gasta, suarach, clever, mean, trick. ~a imeartha, scríbhneoireachta, na ceirde, tricks of play, of writing, of the trade. ~ cogaidh, stratagem. ~ magaidh, practical joke. ~ na méaracán, thimble-rigging. Tá ~ éigin ar na díslí aige, he is up to sth. Tá ~ is fearr ná sin agam, I can go one better than that. S.a. comha 1. 2. Feat. ~ airm, gaile, feat of arms, of valour. ~a lúith, athletic exercises; athletics. ~ an chuaille, somersault (using pole, stick). ~ na slise, (form of) tip-cat. Fear ~, juggler; acrobat; trickster. S.a. caor 2, crann 7. 3. Knack. Tá ~ air, there is a knack in doing it. 4. Act. Déanadh gach aon duine a chleas féin, let everyone do his own turn, performance. An ~ céanna a dhéanamh arís, to do the same thing over again. Rinne mise an ~ céanna, I did the same thing. Tharla an ~ céanna dom féin, the same thing happened to myself. Mar bharr ar an g~, to cap it all. (Var: gs. ~a)
cleas2, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna). Pej: Class (of persons), gang.
Ag imirt cleas a m~, playing their mad pranks.
Cleas ~, dishonest trick.
Ná ~ orm, don’t fail me.
Ar chomha ná ar chleas, not under any consideration.
Ní raibh aon chleas ina chorp nár fhéach sé, he tried every trick he was capable of.
~ clis, penis.
~ buailte, clis, reatha, teacht abhaile, striking, first, running, home, base.
Obair, gníomh, damhsa, cleas, a dhéanamh, to do, perform, work, a deed, a dance, a trick.
D’fhear sé cleas, he performed a feat.
Cleasa ~a, obvious tricks.
Cleas a ~t (ar dhuine), to play a trick (on s.o.).
Chuaigh an cleas ar ~, the trick failed.
Le cleas a rinneadh é, it was done by a trick.
Cleas ~, childish trick.
Cleas na lúibe, trick-o’-the-loop.
Cleas mallaithe, damnable trick.
Duine a mhealladh le cleas, to deceive s.o. by a trick.
Ba mhór an cleas aige é, it was a great trick of his.
Peil, snámh, cleasa lúith, a mhúineadh, to teach football, swimming, athletics.
Níor ~ an cleas, the trick didn’t work.
Cleas ~, dirty trick.
Cleas ~, shabby trick.
Cleas ~, shabby trick.
Gach cleas dár thionscain sé, every trick he tried.
Cleas an ~, somersault with feet crossed.
~a clis, juggler’s balls.
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