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múin could be a grammatical form of: mún »
múin1, v.t. & i. Teach, instruct. 1. Rud a mhúineadh do dhuine, to instruct s.o. in sth. Ábhair léinn a mhúineadh, to teach educational subjects. Peil, snámh, cleasa lúith, a mhúineadh, to teach football, swimming, athletics. 2. Ciall, béasa, fios a ghnóthaí, a mhúineadh do dhuine, to teach s.o. sense, manners, how to mind his own business. ~fidh mise é, I’ll teach him a lesson. ~fidh an saol é, he will learn from experience. Tá sé ~te go maith anois, he is well chastened, much the wiser, now. Ní mhúinfeadh an saol dó é, it is a lesson he will never learn. 3. Capall, madra, a mhúineadh, to train a horse, a dog. 4. An t-eolas a mhúineadh do dhuine, to show s.o. the way, to direct s.o. Lit: ~eadh dó an t-ionad, he was told how to find the place.
múin2 : mún1.
Bíodh múineadh ~ ort, behave yourself a little.
Is tú féin ~ mo mhúinte, I learned it from yourself.
Fios a bhéas a mhúineadh do dhuine, to teach s.o. manners.
~ a thabhairt, a léamh, a scríobh, a mhúineadh, a fhoghlaim, to give, read, write, teach, learn, a lesson.
Is den mhúineadh é, it pertains to good manners.
Rud a insint a mhíniú, a mhúineadh, do dhuine, to tell, explain, teach, sth. to s.o.
Do dhon is do dhuais ort! ~ is duais ort! Mo dhon is mo dhoghrainn ort (agus ar d’oide múinte)! Bad cess to you (and to whoever taught you)!
Tá múineadh ~ orthu, they have some manners.
Casadh ~ a mhúinte air, he met his master.
Múineann ~ seift, necessity is the mother of invention.
Na litreacha a mhúineadh do leanbh, to teach a child his letters, the alphabet.
An t-uan ag múineadh méilí dá mháthair, the lamb teaching its mother how to bleat.
~ agus múineadh, good behaviour and manners.
Duine gan mhodh gan mhúineadh, rude and unmannerly person.
~ staire, teangacha, the teaching of history, of languages.
An ~ a fuair sé, the teaching, training, he got.
~ ainmhithe, the training of animals.
Casadh fear mo mhúinte orm, I met my master.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to teach s.o. manners; to chastise s.o.
~ a bheith ort, to have manners.
Duine gan mhúineadh, unmannerly person.
Níl ~ ná stiúradh ar na páistí aige, he has let the children get completely out of control.
Bíodh ~ ar do theanga, keep a civil tongue in your head.
Is den mhúineadh é, it is the polite thing to do.
Más den mhúineadh a fhiafraí díot, if it is polite to ask you.
Níor thug sé de mhúineadh dom a leithscéal a ghabháil, he didn’t do me the courtesy of excusing himself.
~ a bhaint as rud, to draw a lesson from sth.
~ scéil, the moral of a story.
Páistí ~, well-mannered children.
Cailín deas ~, nice mannerly girl.
Bheith ~ le duine, to be polite to s.o.
Labhairt go ~, to speak civilly.
~ múinte, tutor, mentor, adviser.
~ gan mhúineadh, unmannerly child.
Mhúin an saol ~, life taught us a lesson.
~ iad lucht ár múinte, those are the people who taught us.
Beidh a shliocht ort, múinfidh an saol thú, in consequence of that life will teach you a lesson.
~ gan mhúineadh, unmannerly brat.
Socróidh mise leis mura raibh múineadh air, I’ll deal with him if he doesn’t have manners.
~tha múinte, civilly brought up.
Ag múineadh ~ Ghaeilge, teaching through the medium of Irish.
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