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múin could be a grammatical form of: mún »
(To child) Behave yourself! bíodh múineadh ort; iompair thú féin!
Well-behaved, múinte, dea-mhúinte.
Good behaviour, múineadh m.
(Good) breeding, dea-mhúineadh. S.a. ILL-BREEDING.
F: Unlicked cub, peata m gan mhúineadh.
Disciplined in the school of adversity, múinte ag an anró.
Those things are not done, F: it isn't done, ní den mhúineadh é sin.
To do the polite, bheith go múinte béasach.
(Of child) He was dragged up, níor cuireadh múineadh ná sciúradh air.
To speak (s.o.) fair, (i) labhairt go múinte (le duine); (ii) na huirc is na hairc a ghealladh (do dhuine).
He is no gentleman, níl múineadh ná tabhairt suas air.
These children are quite out of hand, níl múineadh ná stiúradh ar na páistí seo.
She behaves like a lady, iompraíonn sí í féin go múinte, mar is dual do bhean uasal.
To draw a lesson from sth., múineadh a bhaint as rud.
Live and learn, múineann an saol duine.
It is bad manners to stare at a person, ní den mhúineadh stánadh ar dhuine.
(Good) manners, múineadh m, dea-bhéasa, mpl.
That will teach him manners, múinfidh sin fios a bhéasa dó.
Have you forgotten your manners? nach sílfeá go mbeadh múineadh ort?
He met his master, casadh fear a mhúinte air.
He met more than his match, casadh fear a mhúinte dó.
You naughty child, a ghadaí gan mhúineadh; a ruidín ghránna.
Necessity is the mother of invention, múineann gá seift.
None of your sauce! bíodh múineadh ar do theanga.
To school s.o. in society ways, fios béasa an tsaoil a mhúineadh do dhuine.
A spoiled child, peata (gan mhúineadh).
Politeness is not his strong point, ní hé an múineadh an chuid is fearr de.
To take pupils, daltaí a bheith á múineadh agat.
To teach s.o. sth., rud a mhúineadh, a theagasc, do dhuine.
He teaches French, tá sé ag múineadh na Fraincise.
To teach s.o. (how) to do sth., an dóigh le rud a dhéanamh a mhúineadh do dhuine.
Teaching through English, ag múineadh trí Bhéarla.
Keep a civil tongue in your head, bíodh múineadh ort.
To train s.o. to business, duine a mhúineadh chun gnóthaí.
Well-trained child, páiste a bhfuil múineadh air, fios a bhéas aige.
He was more than usually polite, bhí sé múinte thar mar ba ghnách leis.
A mere veneer of politeness, smearadh m beag múinte.
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