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mothaigh, v.t. & i. 1. Feel. (a)Teas, pian, ocras, a mhothú, to feel heat, pain, hunger. Mhothaigh mé faoi mo chosa é, I felt it under my feet. Mhothaigh sé ina chnámha é, he felt it in his bones. Mothaím mé féin ag éirí fuar, I feel myself getting chilly. (b)~ an fhíneáltacht atá san éadach sin, feel the fineness of that cloth. ~ an mhéid atá ann, feel the size of it. Ag mothú a bhealaigh, feeling his way. 2. Sense, perceive. Mhothaigh mé ar an amharc a thug sé orm (go), I sensed by the look he gave me (that). Mothaím go bhfuil fearg ort liom, I feel you are angry with me. Níor mhothaigh mé an lá ag imeacht, I didn’t notice the day passing. Tháinig siad orm sular mhothaigh mé, they caught me unawares. S.a. fad 5. 3. Hear. Mhothaigh mé a choiscéim, I heard his footsteps. An mothaíonn tú an callán atá acu? Do you hear the noise they are making? Níor mhothaigh mé a leithéid riamh, I never heard the like of it. 4. Boladh a mhothú, to become aware of a smell. 5. Miss. Mothaím uaim iad, I miss them, feel their loss. 6. Become conscious; bestir oneself, awake. 7. Folk: Overlook, cast a spell upon. Beithíoch a mhothú, to bewitch an animal.
~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be able to feel sth., to be conscious of sth.
Níl ~ aige ar theas ná ar fhuacht, he is insensible to heat or cold.
Ní raibh ~ aige ar mo chuid cainte, he didn’t realise I was talking, didn’t hear me speak.
Bíodh ~ ionat, keep your wits about you; bestir yourself.
An ~ a chailleadh, to lose the sense of touch; to lose perception; to lose consciousness.
Duine gan mhothú, insensate person; unconscious person.
Tá sé ina chnap gan mhothú, he is an insensate heap, he is dead to the world.
Méara gan mhothú, numb, dead, fingers.
Níl ~ ar bith i mo chosa, I have no feeling in my legs.
Tháinig an ~ arís ann, he regained consciousness; his sensitivity was restored.
Teacht gan mhothú ar dhuine, to come unnoticed upon s.o., to take s.o. unawares.
~ feirge, éada, touch of anger, of jealousy.
Chuir sé ~ feirge orm, he stung me to anger.
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