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odds, s. 1 a Buntáiste m. The odds are against him, an bhreis ina aghaidh. He is fighting against great odds, ag snámh in aghaidh an tsrutha, in aghaidh na tuile. b Difríocht f. What's the odds? nach cuma sin? It makes no odds, is cuma; is é an mhar a chéile é. c Turf: Odds on, against a horse, corrlach ar chapall, in aghaidh capaill. Long odds, corrlach trom. Short odds, corrlach beag. I will give you odds, tabharfad corrlach sa gheall duit. The odds are that he will fall, urchar mór aige go gcaillfidh (an cluiche). d Sp: To give s.o. odds, pointí a ligean le duine. 2 They are at odds with one another, (i) níl siad ar aon intinn; (ii) siad in achrann le chéile. 3 Odds and ends, fuíoll m agus cunamar m.
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