opposite. 1 a. a Os comhair, ar aghaidh (ruda) amach. See the map on the opposite page, féach an mapa atá ar an leathanach thall. The house opposite, an teach thall. Mil: Navy: etc: Opposite number, oifigeach comhchéime ar an taobh eile. b The opposite sex, an cineál eile; an gnéas eile. Magn: Opposite poles, poil os comhair a chéile. He took the opposite course, is é a mhalairt a rinne sé. In the opposite direction, sa treo eile; an bealach ina aghaidh sin. Ships going in opposite directions, longa ag dul ar malairt treo. 2 s. Contrárthacht f. That's just the opposite of what he said, a mhalairt sin a dúirt sé. 3 adv. Ar (mo, do, etc.) aghaidh; os (mo, do, etc.) chomhair, choinne. We had two ladies sitting opposite, bhí beirt bhan ina suí ar ár n-aghaidh amach. 4 prep. Ar aghaidh, os comhair, os coinne (ruda). To stand opposite sth., seasamh os comhair, os coinne, ruda.
The direct opposite of sth., contrárthacht f ruda ar fad.
He lives directly opposite to the church, tá sé ina chónaí díreach ar aghaidh an tséipéil amach.
In the opposite direction, san treo eile ar fad.
Th: Opposite prompter, F: ‘O.P.,' ar aghaidh leideora.