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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for previous »
previous. 1 a. a Roimhe, roimh ré. Previous to, roimh. The previous day, an lá roimhe. Previous engagement, coinne roimh ré. Parl: To move the previous question, an réamhcheist a mholadh. b F: You're a bit (too) previous! tá tú beagán róluath! roimh am! 2 adv. Previous to my departure, roimh imeacht dom.   previously, adv. Roimhe sin, roimh ré.
Jur: He has previous convictions, ciontaíodh i gcoireanna eile roimhe seo é.
Owing to a previous engagement, toisc coinne (bheith déanta) roimh ré,
Have you had any previous experience? ar rinne tú an cineál sin oibre cheana?
(At meeting) To move the previous question, an réamhcheist a mholadh.
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