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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for professional »
professional. 1 a. Gairmiúil. a Professional practices, nósanna mpl na gairme. To take professional advice on a matter, dul i gcomhairle le fear gairme (le dochtúir, le dlíodóir, etc.) faoin scéal. b The professional army, an t-arm gairmiúil. c A professional mechanic, meicneoir cáilithe, ceirde. d The professional classes, lucht na ngairmeacha. 2 s. a Saineolaí m, eolaí m, Professionals, lucht m ceirde, gairme. b Sp: Gairmí m.   professionally, adv. To do sth. professionally, rud a dhéanamh mar cheird. He is professionally trained, tá oiliúint ghairmiúil air.
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