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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for relative »
relative, 1 a. a Coibhneasta. b (Of terms, etc.) Relative positions of two parts, suíomh coibhneasta an dá pháirt. They live in relative luxury, tá sómas réasúnta acu. c Gram: Relative pronoun, forainm coibhneasta. 2 adv. F: I am writing relative to the rent, táim ag scríobh i dtaobh an chíosa. 3 s. = RELATION 3   relatively, adv. a Go coibhneasta. b F: She is relatively happy, tá sí sách, réasúnta, sona.
Mil: To allot a portion of one's pay to a relative, cuid de do thuarastal a dhathú do dhuine muinteartha.
To be heir to a relative, to an estate, bheith i d'oidhre ag duine, ar eastát.
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