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According as we are rich or poor, de réir mar atáimid bocht nó saibhir.
He was assumed to be wealthy, rinneadh talamh slán de go raibh sé saibhir.
Comparatively wealthy, saibhir le hais na coda eile; scothshaibhir.
He is considered rich, tá sé ráite leis go bhfuil sé saibhir.
He esteems himself rich, samhlaíonn sé gur duine saibhir é féin.
Pound for pound I am richer than he, punt ar phunt is saibhre mise ná é.
A man of fortune, fear deisiúil, saibhir.
It is not given to all to be rich, ní dlitear do chách a bheith saibhir.
High diet, high feeding, cothú saibhir.
He is trying to make out that she is richer than she is, tá sé ag iarraidh a rá go bhfuil sí níos saibhre ná mar atá sí.
I am no richer than he, níl mé a dhath níos saibhre ná é.
Extremely rich, chomh saibhir le Déamar.
To grow rich, éirí saibhir.
Rich food, (i) bia saibhir; (ii) bia blasta.
He is supposed to be wealthy, tá sé amuigh air go bhfuil sé saibhir; tá ainm an tsaibhris air.
Terribly rich, diabhalta saibhir.
He does it that he may be rich, déanann sé é le bheith, d'fhonn bheith, saibhir.
They were thought too rich, ba saibhir le daoine iad.
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