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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for salute »
salute1, s. a Beannacht f, forrán m. Salute with foils, cúirtéis le hairm. b Mil: Navy: Cúirtéis f. To give a salute, cúirtéis a dhéanamh. To return, acknowledge, a salute, cúirtéis a fhreagairt. To stand at (the) salute, seasamh ar cúirtéis. Mil: Navy: To fire a salute, cúirtéis a scaoileadh. A salute of ten guns, cúirtéis deich ngunna.
salute2, v.tr. Beannaím do (dhuine). 1 a To salute s.o. king, gairm rí a thabhairt do dhuine. b To salute s.o. with a kiss, beannú do dhuine le póg. 2 To salute s.o. with the hand, with the sword, cúirtéis a dhéanamh chun duine leis an láimh, leis an gclaíomh. Abs. Mil: To salute, cúirtéis a dhéanamh. To salute with twenty guns, cúirtéis fiche gunna a scaoileadh. 3 The first object that salutes the eye, an chéad rud a thagann os coinne na súl.
To acknowledge a salute, beannacht f, forrán m, a fhreagairt.
Salute of six guns, beannú m sé ghunna.
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