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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for several »
several, a. 1 a Ar leith, éagsúla. The several members of the committee, gach bail ar leith den choiste. b Jur: (Ceart, dualgas) leithleach. c Our several rights, cearta gach duine ar leith againn. 2 a Go leor, a lán (daoine). Several women, scata m ban. He and several others, é féin agus a lán eile. b I have several, tá go leor acu agam. Several of them, cuid mhaith acu.   severally, adv. Ina gceann agus ina gceann; ina nduine agus ina nduine.
To allocate a sum amongst several people, suim airgid a dháileadh, a roinnt, ar an oiread seo daoine.
Amongst them are several who believe..., tá mórán acu a chreideas...
Several people commented on his absence, chaintigh go leor ar é a bheith as láthair.
It is known under several designations, is iomaí ainm atá air.
Several bricks had become dislodged from the wall, bhí a lán brící tite den bhalla.
An estate that embraces several villages, eastát a bhfuil mórchuid bailte faoi.
On this subject there are already several books in the field, tá a lán leabhar ar an ábhar seo le fáil cheana féin.
He has a knowledge of several languages, tá go leor teangacha aige.
Several liability, freagracht leithreach.
Joint and several liability, freagracht i bpáirt agus ar leithridh.
On several occasions, go minic.
I read it several times over, léigh mé arís agus arís eile é.
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