He did a discreditable examination-paper, níorbh aon dea-theist air an páipéar scrúdaithe a rinne sé.
He gave himself out for a doctor, thug sé teist dochtúra air féin.
Service record, teist sheirbhíse.
Police record, teist na nGardaí (ar dhuine).
To have a clean record, dea-theist a bheith ag na Gardaí ort.
He is well, badly, reported on, tá dea-theist, droch-theist, air.
To be held in high repute, dea-chlú, dea-theist, a bheith ort.
Eng.Hist: The Test, an Teist f.
The Test Act, Acht na Teiste.
They were thought to be rich, bhí teist an airgid orthu.