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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for temper »
temper1, s. 1 Metall: Faghairt f -artha. To draw, let down, the temper (of a tool), faghairt (uirlise) a mhaolú. 2 (Of pers.) Stuaim f, foighne f. To keep one's temper, guaim f, srian m, a choinneáil ort féin. He lost his temper, rug an fhearg bua air. He was out of temper, bhí stuaic f, stodam m, air. He tried my temper, chaith sé an fhoighne agam. 3 Meon m. a Even temper, meon sochma; stuaim f, réchúis f. To have a good temper, bheith suáilceach, soranna. To have a bad temper, F: to have a temper, bheith taghdach, teasaí, lasánta. b He showed (ill) temper, bhris an braon salach, an drochmhianach, amach ann. He was in a vile temper, bhí ruibh f oilc, colg m feirge, air. To be in a good, bad, temper, aoibh mhaith, drochaoibh, a bheith ort. Outburst of temper, racht m feirge. He was in a temper, bhí cuthach m feirge air. To get s.o.'s temper up, duine a chur le craobhacha.
temper2, v.tr. 1 a Suaithim (moirtéal, etc.); ollmhaím (dathanna). b Metall: (i) Faghraím (cruach); cuirim faghairt i (gcruach); (ii) maolaím an fhaghairt ag (miotal). 2 Maolaím, ceansaím (fearg, etc.). He tempered severity with gentlenesss, mhaolaigh an tséimhe an déine aige.
He is cursed with a violent temper, tá sé de mhí-ádh air go bhfuil spadhar damanta ann.
Even temper, meon socair, suaimhneach.
He did it in a fit of temper, rinne sé é as taghd.
He governed his temper, chuir sé srian lena chuid feirge.
He is hasty-tempered, tá sé taghdach, teasaí.
He has a hot temper, tá tallann thobann ann.
Incompatibility of temper, aimhréití f meoin.
She has a quick temper, tá sí taghdach.
To be in a raging temper, bheith ar mire le fearg.
To refer ill-temper to indigestion, cantal a chur síos do mhídhíleá.
Her temper has soured, d'éirigh sí searbh.
A spasm of temper, tallann feirge.
Sweet temper, meon m caoin, lách.
Equally tempered scale, scála comhréitithe.
Mild-tempered, sochma, soranna, mánla.
Uncertain temper, meon taghdach, talannach.
Fits of uncontrollable temper, spadhair mpl ainrianta feirge.
Uneven temper, meon spadhrúil, taghdach, treallach.
He is in a vile temper, tá fíordhrochstiúir air.
To work off one's bad temper on s.o., do racht a ligean amach, a ídiú, ar dhuine.
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