wire1, s. 1 Sreang mhiotail. a Copper wire, sreang chopair. Stranded wire, sreang dhualach. Mil: Wire entanglement, tranglam m sreinge. b Cheese-wire, sreang (ghearrtha) cáise. Telegraph wires, sreanga teileagraif. F: To pull the wires for s.o., fabhar a dhéanamh do dhuine. Aut: Wire of a tyre, sreang boinn. S.a. LIVE1 2. 2 Teileagram m, sreangscéal m.
wire2, v.tr. 1 a Sreangaím, cuirim sreang le (rud). feistím sreanga ar, i (rud). b Ceanglaím (rud) le sreang. c Cuirim (bláth, etc.) ar sreang. d Cuirim sreanga ar (bhearna, etc.). 2 El.E: Sreangaím, cuirim cóir sreang i (dteach). To wire a station on to a circuit, stáisiún a cheangal le ciorcad. 3 F: Cuirim (scéala) le teileagram, le sreangscéal. To wire to s.o., sreangscéal a chur chuig duine. To wire for s.o., sreangscéal a chur faoi choinne duine.
Barbed wire, sreang dhealgach.
Mil: Barbed wire entanglements, tranglam m de shreanga dealgacha.
Bare wire, sreang f nocht.
Connecting wire, sreang f chónasctha.
Copper wire, sreang chopair.
Criss-cross of wires, eangach f de shreanga.
El.E: Dead wire, sreang neamhbheo.
El: Flexible wire, sreang solúbtha.
Wire gauze, uige mhiotail.
Wired glass, gloine shreangaithe.
El.E: Wiring-gloves, lámhainní (chun) sreangaithe.
Heavy wire, sreang ramhar.
El.E: Live wire, sreang bheo.
He's a (real) live wire, duine fíriúil ó bhonn é; is é an tapaíoch i gceart é.
To milk a message, to milk the wire, cúléisteacht le scéala.
Wire netting, fál m eangaí.
Wire network, eangach mhiotail.
To tap a telegraph wire, sreang éisteachta a chur as líne teileagraif; teachtaireacht a cheapadh.
To wire into a meal, abs.to wire in, leagan ar bhéile.
Aut: Wired-on tyre, bonn sreinge.
Wire-drawn, rómhionchúiseach.