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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for wool »
wool, s. 1 Olann f(g. olla). a Tex: Dyed in the wool, a dathú sular sníomhadh. F: A dyed-in-the-wool Englishman, Sasanach ó fhréamh, go smior. Wool cloth, éadach olla. The wool trade, trácht na holla. Wool mill, muileann olla. Waste wool, olann bhriste. b Knitting wool, snáth cniotála. 2 a Lomra m (caorach). b Bot: Canach m. c Mothal m (gruaige). 3 Steel wool, olann chruach. S.a. COTTON-WOOL, GLASS-WOOL.
There is an active demand for wool, ráchairt mhór ar an olann.
To brush up wool, éadach olla a chóiriú.
To bring up a child in cotton-wool, páiste a thógáil ina pheata teolaí.
Much cry and little wool, géim seisce.
Wool grease, sal chaorach; úr m olla.
Wool in (the) grease, olann faoi úr.
Tex: Natural wool, olann gan dathú.
Part silk part wool, leath síoda agus leath olann.
Three-ply wool, (snáth olla) trí dhual.
Slag wool, cadás mianraí.
Surg: Swab of cotton wool, táithín m cadáis.
Your wits have gone wool-gathering, do mheabhair ar fán uait.
You've been wool-gathering, ag taibhreamh a bhí ! speabhraídí atá ort!
You are wool-gathering, do chiall ar seachrán uait.
To remove the yolk from wool, olann a úrú.
Zephyr (wool), olann f steifire.
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