-mír2, suff. f. (gs. ~e). Biol: -mere.
mír1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Bit, portion. (a) ~ bhia, morsel of food. ~eanna beaga feola, little scraps of meat. ~ agus deoch, bite and sup. ~ ranna, divided portion, share. ~ mhéine, dainty bit. Hist: ~ Mhichíl, portion of food set aside for poor. (b) ~ eolais, bit of information. ~eanna nuachta, news items. Gach ~ dá chorp, every inch of his body. ~ ar mhír, bit by bit. A mhír! You mite! 2. Prize, palm. Lit:~ churaidh, champion’s portion (of meat); prize for valour. An mhír mhullaigh a bheith agat, to be supreme. Rug sé an mhír, he bore the palm. 3. (a) (Of line) Segment. (b) (Of book) Section. (c) (Of narrative, etc.) Paragraph. (d) Mus: Phrase. (e) Th: Number, item (on programme). (f) (Of argument, etc.) Point, particular. (g) ~eanna mearaí, jigsaw puzzle. (h) Gram: Particle.