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Similar words: carraí · coraí · corra · corraíd · corraíl
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corraí could be a grammatical form of: corraigh » · corrach »
corraí1, m. (gs. -aithe). 1. vn. of corraigh1. 2. Movement; stir, excitement. (a)~ a bhaint as duine, as rud, to move s.o., sth. Níl ~ as, there is not a stir out of him. Níl ~ ann, he is unable to move. Ní raibh ~ coise ná láimhe ionam, I couldn’t move hand or foot. Níl ~ amach as an teach ann, he can’t stir out of the house. Tá ~ borrtha san fharraige, there is a swelling movement in the sea. Gan chorraí, motionless. (b)~ a bheith ort, to be moved, stirred; to be vexed. Ná cuir ~ air, don’t vex him. Tháinig ~ (feirge) air, he was moved to anger. Tá ~ croí air, his heart is stirred. Tháinig ~ ar a raibh ag éisteacht leis, all who heard him were stirred, became agitated. Tháinig ~ ina gcuid fola, their blood was stirred. (Var:f)
corraí2, var. pl. of corr1,2,3.
corraí3, gsf. & comp. of corrach2.
Tá sé corraithe ~, he is somewhat agitated.
1. Rud a chorraí, to move, stir, sth.
Ní thig liom mo lámh a chorraí, I can’t move my hand.
Tá sé ag corraí ina chodladh, he is disturbed in his sleep.
2. Duine a chorraí (chun feirge), to move a person (to anger).
Is furasta é a chorraí, he is easily roused, vexed.
Labhair sé go corraithe, he spoke with feeling, heatedly.
Bhí mé corraithe aige, I was moved by it; he had me vexed.
Tá an fharraige corraithe, the sea is agitated.
An ~ a bhogadh, a chorraí, to move the heart.
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