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cuir trí, v.t. 1. Put through, pierce with. ~ trí chró na snáthaide é, pass it through the eye of the needle. Chuir sé a dhá shúil tríom, he transfixed me with his eyes. S.a. cuntas 2. 2. (With céile) (a) Mix up, confuse. Rudaí a chur trí chéile, trína chéile, to mix up things. Chuir siad trína chéile mé, they confused, upset, me. (b) Discuss. Scéal a chur trí chéile, to discuss a matter. 3. Áit a chur trí thine, to set a place on fire. 4. Med: ~ tríot, pass.
Chuir tú thar, trí, mo chuntas mé, you made me lose count.
Chuir sé ~anna, trí dhath, na seacht n~, de féin, he kept changing colour (repeatedly).
Chuir sé ~ trí mo chroí, it stung, touched, me to the heart.
Ná cuir do dhá shúil tríom, don’t give me such a piercing look.
Cuir ola ~d, mix it with oil.
Chuir sé trí m’úmacha mé, it put me to the pin of my collar.
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