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dólámhach1, s. 1. (In phrase) Ar ~, with both hands, all-out, strenuously. Chuaigh siad ar ~ linn, they went all out against us. 2. (As vn.) Ag ~ (le), working, competing, strenuously (at, with).
dólámhach2, a1. 1. Two-handed; all-out, strenuous; total, utter. Ag obair ~, working energetically. Ag gabháil chéile ~, attacking each other vigorously. Chuaigh siad le chéile ~, they went at each other hammer and tongs. Shíl go ndéanfadh ~ é, he thought he would do it no matter what. Chinn ~ orm, it beat me completely. 2. Single-handed. (a) Without help. Duine ~, short-handed, unaided, person. Rinne féin ~ é, he did it by himself without any help. (b) Single. Cluiche ~, single game, singles. Ag imirt ~, playing singly.
Ghabh orm dólámhach, he made a two-fisted attack on me.
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