diongbháil2, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of diongaibh. 2. Match, equal. A dhiongbháil i gcath, his equal in battle. Dá mbeadh a dhiongbháil de mhac aige, if he had a son worthy of him. Casadh fear a dhiongbhála air, he met his match. 3. Worth, merit; constancy, stability. Brí agus ~ na hargóna, the force and reliability of the argument. 4. Assurance, confirmation. ~ a fháil i rud, to get positive assurance of sth. 5. (As a.)An rud is ~ do dhuine, what is fitting for s.o. Mar is ~, as is meet and proper.
diongaibh, v.t. (pres. -gbhann, vn. -gbháil, pp. -gbháilte). Lit: Ward off, repel; cope with, be a match for. Fear comhlainn a dhiongbháil, to stand up to a fighting man. An géibheann seo a dhiongbháil dínn, to avert this danger from us. (Var: diongbhaigh, diongbháil1)