dleacht, f. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. Due. (a) Lawful right. Is é mo dhleacht é, it is my lawful right; it is due to me. (b) Lawful impost, duty. ~ bháis, chomharbais, chustaim, eastáit, leagáide, mháil, death, succession, customs, estate, legacy, excise, duty. ~anna calafoirt, port dues. Saor ó dhleacht, duty-free. 2. Royalty. ~ chumadóra, údair, composer’s, author’s, royalty. ~ mhianra, phaitinne, mining, patent, royalty. 3. (Used as a. with copula) Is dom is ~ é, it is my due; it is my lawful duty; it is proper for me. An onóir is ~ dó, the honour to which he is lawfully entitled. Ba é Cormac an comharba ba dhleacht dó, Cormac was his legitimate successor. Mar is ~, as is proper. (Var: pl. ~a)