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duán1, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). (Fish-)hook. ~ a chur in iasc, to hook a fish. F: Do dhuán a chur (i bhfostú) i nduine, to hook s.o. ~ báid, boat-hook. S.a. eochraí1.
duán2, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). 1. Anat:Cu: Kidney. S.a. leaba 7. 2. Bot: ~ ceannchosach, donn, self-heal.
duán3 = damhán.
Chuaigh an duán i g~ an éisc, the hook caught in the mouth of the fish.
~ amach an duán, cast out the fishing-hook.
1. ~ duáin, renal calculus.
~ dhuáin, kidney-stone.
B’éigean a ordóg a choscairt leis an duán a bhaint aisti, his thumb had to be cut open to remove the hook from it.
Cailleadh an ~ (agus an duáin) ort! Worse luck to you!
Tá a cuid ~ ar bharr an duáin aici, she is all out to hook a man.
Chuaigh an duán i bh~ ann, the hook caught in it.
Bád, bráite, líon, duán, iascaigh, fishing-boat, -ground, -net, -hook.
~ an duáin, lumbar region.
~ duáin, shank of fishing-hook.
Níl na duáin ag oibriú aige, his kidneys are not functioning.
~ dhuáin, kidney-stone.
Duán ~, loose kidney.
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